First One Out
This little reverse Okeetee Corn Snake hatched on June 23, 2008.
Gray Area
| Ghost Corns hatched out next - I'm working to create patternless ghosts.
Old School
| This year I used a home made incubator consisting of an aquarium heater and Rubbermaid tub.
Beauty in Black & White
| I hatched my first Northern Pine Snake ever on July 5, 2008.
Snow Snake
| Here's freshly hatched snow corn.
Odd Man Out
| This snow corn has an aberrant pattern.
Heads Up! | A Black Pine Snake hatching from a really nasty looking egg on July 7, 2008.
Angry Hour | Black Pine Snakes aren't known for their "sunny dispositions" and emerge out of the egg with plenty of attitude.
Keeper | I decided to keep this "zigzag" reverse Okeetee Corn Snake that hatched on August 13, 2008.
Back in Black | This Mexican Black King is taking a rest, while its sibling is contemplating joining it.
Baby Black | Mexican Black King are smooth and shiny.
Popular Pet | Albino Corn Snakes are one of the world's most popular reptile pets. I decided to hang onto this female produced in August.
Think Pink | A snow Honduran Milk Snake with a pink tint.
Where Do Babies Come From? | A het for albino Nelson's Milk Snake laying a clutch of eggs.
Family Portrait | A cluch of newly hatched albino Nelson's Milk Snakes.
In Shape | My last snake to hatch did so on October 10, 2008. This albino Nelson's features a square and triangle shape in its back. |