Third Eye - Baby Pics 2008  
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Tim Spuckler
8213 Wyatt Road
Broadview Heights, OH 44147

This page features photos of selected baby snakes produced here in 2008. These snakes are not for sale.


Reverse Okeetee First One Out
This little reverse Okeetee Corn Snake hatched on June 23, 2008.
Ghost Corn Gray Area
Ghost Corns hatched out next - I'm working to create patternless ghosts.
Incubator Old School
This year I used a home made incubator consisting of an aquarium heater and Rubbermaid tub.
Northern Pine Beauty in Black & White
I hatched my first Northern Pine Snake ever on July 5, 2008.
Snow Corn Snow Snake
Here's freshly hatched snow corn.
Odd Snow Odd Man Out
This snow corn has an aberrant pattern.
Black Pine Heads Up!
A Black Pine Snake hatching from a really nasty looking egg on July 7, 2008.
Black Pine Angry Hour
Black Pine Snakes aren't known for their "sunny dispositions" and emerge out of the egg with plenty of attitude.
Reverse Okeetee Keeper
I decided to keep this "zigzag" reverse Okeetee Corn Snake that hatched on August 13, 2008.
MBK Back in Black
This Mexican Black King is taking a rest, while its sibling is contemplating joining it.
MBK Baby Black
Mexican Black King are smooth and shiny.
Amel Corn Popular Pet
Albino Corn Snakes are one of the world's most popular reptile pets. I decided to hang onto this female produced in August.
Snow Hondo Think Pink
A snow Honduran Milk Snake with a pink tint.
Nelson Eggs Where Do Babies Come From?
A het for albino Nelson's Milk Snake laying a clutch of eggs.
Nelson Eggs Family Portrait
A cluch of newly hatched albino Nelson's Milk Snakes.
Nelson Eggs In Shape
My last snake to hatch did so on October 10, 2008. This albino Nelson's features a square and triangle shape in its back.
Click here to see 2007 Babies