This page contains photos of selected baby snakes produced in 2018. My adult snakes are not for sale and the babies on this page have been sold.
The first snake eggs produced here this year were Okeetee Corn Snakes, on May 14, 2018.
A California Red-sided Garter Snake that as born here on May 23, 2018.
A hypomelanistic Honduran Milk Snake laying eggs here on June 6th.
I produced Midland Water Snakes for the first time ever on June 9, 2018.
A baby Midland Water Snake.
A group shot the clutch of baby Midland Water Snakes.
A baby Midland Water Snake.
Coast Garter Snakes (with their mom) born here on June 10th.
A litter of Coast Garter Snakes - they tend to have small clutches of large babies.
A newborn Coast Garter Snake.
Broadbanded Water Snakes born here on June 19, 2018.
A baby Broadbanded Water Snake.
Another baby Broadbanded Water Snake.
My Yellow Rat Snake laying her eggs on June 29th.
Striped ghost Corn Snakes hatching here on July 1, 2018.
One of the hatchling striped Ghost Corn Snakes.
A striped snow Corn Snake from the same clutch as the striped ghosts.
An aztec Corn Snake that hatched here on July 18th.
Okeetee Corn Snakes hatching on July 18th.
A hatchling Okeetee Corn Snake.
An albino Okeetee Corn Snake from the clutch.
A two month old California Red-sided Garter Snake starting to get some blue color.
A six week old Coast Garter Snake starting to get some red color.
A Santa Cruz Garter Snake that gave birth here on July 27th.
A clutch of baby Santa Cruz Garter Snakes.
A newborn Santa Cruz Garter Snake.
Part of the litter of baby Santa Cruz Garter Snakes.
A baby Santa Cruz Garter Snake.
A six week old Broadbanded Water Snake that has gained some size.
A hypomelanistic Honduran Milk Snake that hatched here on August 1st.
A month-old Okeetee Corn Snake.
A six week old striped ghost Corn Snake.
A newly hatched "high white" reverse Okeetee Corn Snake.
A baby "banded" reverse Okeetee Corn Snake.
Albino Honduran Milk Snakes startd hatching here on August 27, 2018.
A baby albino Honduran Milk Snake.
Ghost and hypomelanistic Honduran Milk Snakes started hatching too.
A freshly hatched Hypomelanistic Honduran Milksnake.
A freshly hatched Ghost Honduran Milksnake.
Yellow Rat Snakes started to hatch on August 27th.
A newly hatched Yellow Rat Snake.
A baby Yellow Rat Snake.
A baby Yellow Rat Snake.
A baby Yellow Rat Snake.
The last snake to hatch here in 2018 was this Mexican Black Kingsnake on September 13th.