Third Eye - Baby Pics 2021  
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Tim Spuckler
8213 Wyatt Road
Broadview Heights, OH 44147

This page contains photos of selected baby snakes produced in 2021. My adult snakes are not for sale and the babies on this page have been sold.


A litter of Oregon Red-spotted Garter Snakes was born here on July 27th.
Oregon Red-spotted Garter Snakes

A newborn Oregon Red-spotted Garter Snake.
Oregon Red-spotted Garter Snake

A Gray Rat Snake becoming lighter with each shed.
Gray Rat Snake

A Honduran Milk Snake with her clutch of eggs on July 30th.
Honduran Milk Snake

Okeetee Corn Snakes (and Reverse Okeetee Corn Snakes) hatching on July 30th.
Okeetee Corn Snakes

A newly hatched Okeetee Corn Snake.
Okeetee Corn Snake

A newly hatched Okeetee Corn Snake.
Okeetee Corn Snake

A Russian Rat Snake at two months of age.
Russian Rat Snake

A baby Butter Motley Corn Snake that hatched here.
Butter Motley Corn Snake

A baby Butter Striped Corn Snake that hatched here.
Striped Butter Corn Snake

Everglades Rat Snakes starting to hatch here on August 22nd.
Striped Butter Corn Snake

A newly hatched Everglades Rat Snake.
Everglades Rat Snake

Albino Honduran Milk Snakes hatching here on August 25th.
Honduran Milk Snake

A newly hatched Albino Honduran Milk Snake.
Albino Honduran Milk Snake

A newly hatched Albino Honduran Milk Snake.
Albino Honduran Milk Snake

Orange Striped Coast Garter Snakes born here on August 28th.
Orange Striped Coast Garter Snakes

A newly hatched Ghost Honduran Milk Snake.
Ghost Honduran Milk Snake

"Spotted" Honduran Milk Snakes that hatched here on September 5th.
Spotted Honduran Milk Snakes

A tri-color Hypomelanistic Honduran Milk Snake from one of my clutches.
Hypomelanistic Honduran Milk Snake

A "holdback" Aquatic Intergrade Garter Snake.
Aquatic Intergrade Garter Snake

A baby Everglades Rat Snake beginning to get some orange coloration.
Everglades Rat Snake

A dark "holdback" Oregon Red-spotted Garter Snake.
Oregon Red-spotted Garter Snake

A newly hatched Dekalb County Alabama Corn Snake.
Alabama Corn Snake

An Orange Striped Coast Garter Snake with its colors starting to kick in.
Orange Striped Coast Garter Snake

Click here to see 2021 babies part 4