This page contains photos of selected baby snakes produced in 2023. My adult snakes are not for sale and the babies on this page have been sold.
Japanese Rat Snakes breeding on April 17th.
My first clutch of eggs in 2023 was from this Desert Kingsnake on May 1st.
On May 3rd this excellent clutch of Russian Rat Snakes was produced.
This albino Corn Snake laid her eggs two days later.
My first litter if garter snakes were California Red-sided Garter Snakes on May 8th.
A baby California Red-sided Garter Snake.
A clutch of Mexican Black Kingsnake eggs that happened here on May 11th.
And a clutch of Japanese Rat Snake eggs on May 16th.
On May 19th this Santa Cruz Garter Snake gave birth.
Another photo of the Santa Cruz Garter Snake mother with her offspring.
A "White Oaks" Gray Rat Snake with her clutch of eggs on May 26th.
In mid-June melanistic and normal Russian Rat Snakes began hatching.
Russian Rat Snake.
Melanistic Russian Rat Snake.
Another litter of California Red-sided Garter Snakes happened here on June 20th.
My first litter of the year for Coast Garter Snakes was on June 28th.
A newborn Coast Garter Snake.
More Coast Garter Snakes were born here on the 4th of July.
A newborn Coast Garter Snake.