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Tim Spuckler

Russian Rat Snake Russian Rat Snake
Elaphe s. schrencki
This is a large bodied snake that superficially resembles an eastern king snake. They seem to be very personable and aware of their surroundings. Russian rat snakes will take advantage of climbing branches in their enclosure. They prefer cooler temperatures than most snakes and are typically five feet long as adults.
$250 each

Click here to read my article on Russian Rat Snakes
Click here to see my Russian Rat Snake Photo Gallery
Japanese Rat Snake Japanese Rat Snake
Elaphe climacophorai
I work with the Kunashir Island form of this snake, which when mature is blue and very attractive. This species typically grows to four feet in length. Babies are born with a light olive color that changes as they mature. In Japanese, this snake is known as "Aoidaisho," which translates to "Blue General."
$300 each

Click here to see my Japanese Rat Snake Photo Gallery
Baird's Rat Snake Baird's Rat Snake
Elaphe bairdi
Because of the remoteness of its habitat in south-central Texas and northern Mexico, these snakes are not often found in the wild. My stock comes from Vivid Reptiles, which are locality specific to Val Verde County, Texas and selectively bred to produce a snake with metallic silver scales on a orange background color. The average Baird's reaches about four feet in length and is among the most docile of rat snakes.
$175 each

Click here to see my Baird's Rat Snake Photo Gallery
Baird's Rat Snake Anerythristic Baird's Rat Snake
Elaphe bairdi
A fresh new morph twist to this species, this is the only known "Silver Baird's," which will hopefully lead to the production of the first "Ghost" Baird's Rat Snake.
Hets $300 each

Click here to see my Anerythristc Baird's Rat Snake Photo Gallery
Black Rat Snake Black Rat Snake
Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta
These snakes lose their pattern as they mature, resulting in an almost all-black adult snake. My breeding stock originates from North Beach, Maryland.
$100 each

Click here to see my Black Rat Snake Photo Gallery
Yellow Rat Snake South Florida Rat Snake
Elaphe obsoleta quadrivittata
This locality from Palm Beach County, Florida is attractive and varible, with lighter coloration than examples from the northern part of its range. They are commonly found around citrus groves, pastures and abandoned buildings.
$75 each

Click here to see my South Florida Rat Snake Photo Gallery
Texas Rat Snake Leucistic Texas Rat Snake
Pantherophis obsoletus lindheimeri
Mineral Wells, Texas locality. These are beautiful rat snakes due to their unique coloration. Leucism is genetic mutation which inhibits melanin and other pigments, resulting in an all-white snake with no pattern.
$150 each

Click here to see my Leucistic Texas Rat Snake Photo Gallery
Gray Rat Snake Gray Rat Snake
Elaphe obsoleta spiloides
I work with the "White Oak" natural color variation of this snake that is found in the Florida panhandle. Only a small percentage of Gray Rat Snakes feature the unusually light coloration of my breeding stock. Mine are from Escambia County, Florida.
$100 each

Click here to see my Gray Rat Snake Photo Gallery
Everglades Rat Snake Everglades Rat Snake
Elaphe obsoleta rossalleni
This species is hardy and beautifully colored. It is native to extreme southern Florida. The hue of these beautiful snakes is a rich orange, with four indistinct gray stripes. The belly is a bright orange or orange-yellow.
$150 each

Click here to see my Everglades Rat Snake Photo Gallery