Third Eye - Herping California - 2005  
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California Creek California Creek
Good-looking habitat in Santa Cruz.
Banana Slug Banana Republic
The Banana Slug is the second largest slug in the world - they can grow to 10 inches in length.
California Newt California Newt
Rough-skinned Newts (Taricha granulosa) are large salamanders reaching up to 8 inches. They are characterized by warty skin that is not slimy, and are light brown to black above with a yellow belly. Unlike eastern newts, they spend most of their adult life on land.
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Crocodile Crossing Range Extension?
A sign found on a redwood tree deep in the Santa Cruz woods.
Ensatina Ensatina
A highly variable salamander. All seven types of this amphibian are found within the state. This is the Monterey morph.
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Shiny Lizard Shiny Lizard
The Western Skink (Eumeces skiltonianus), is seldom seen in the open. They are a small, delicate species with smooth scales, making individuals difficult to handle. They easily lose their tails when threatened.
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Scorpion Creekside Arachnid
A scorpion belonging to the genus Centruroides.
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