Bay Area herping allows for the opportunity to see additional wildlife, so I took a trip up north.
A Coast Garter Snake crossing the hiking path.
Here's what the hiking path looked like.
Coast Garters were common in this area, here's another.
I know Californians are all about fashion and style, but I was kind of surprised to see this Woolly Bear sporting a white mohawk.
Aquatic Intergrade Garter Snake in situ.
These were even more commonly seen than Coast Garter Snakes.
California Red-legged Frog.
Yellow Bush Lupine.
An adult Coast Garter Snake with no red.
California Red-sided Garter Snake.
Close-up of the same snake - he was a handsome fellow.
Log full 'O mice.
While driving home on Highway 1, I noticed some big rocks out on a sandbar.
When I saw one of the "rocks" move, I decided to investigate further - it turns out they were Harbor Seals. It was a great way to end the day.