Third Eye - Herping California 2014  
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Things were clearing up a bit the following day, to I headed up to the Bay Area to herp Marin County.
Point Reyes

Brown Garden Snail.
Brown Garden Snail

Coast Garter Snakes are quite common here. This is one with a bit of extra red.
Coast Garter Snake

Aquatic intergrade Garter Snakes were less often seen.
Aquatic intergrade Garter Snake

Douglas Iris was in bloom at many of the locations I visited.
Douglas Iris

A "standard looking" Coast Garter Snake.
Coast Garter Snake

Another photo of the same snake.
Coast Garter Snake

A bird that also lives in my home state - a Song Sparrow.
Song Sparrow

Slender Salamanders can be found here as well.
Slender Salamander

Cinnamon Teal.
Cinnamon Teal

Click here to see Part 6