Third Eye - Herping California 2014  
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I went on a few outings with Sarah and Connie and we had a good time exploring the Golden State. We herped spots that looked like this.

Connie surveying the scene, looking for prime reptile habitat.

Heading down a hillside with snake hooks in hand.
Sarah and Connie

A Southern Alligator Lizard that looked to have fully recovered from a severe injury.
Southern Alligator Lizard

We were glad to see that other people like snakes too.
Snake Sign

We didn't mistake this Pacific Gopher Snake for a rattlesnake.
Pacific Gopher Snake

Sierran Treefrogs were the favorite things for the girls to catch beacuse "they are so cute." Here are a few of our treefrog finds.
Sierran Treefrog

Sierran Treefrog

Sierran Treefrog

Sarah with a Western Fence Lizard.
Western Fence Lizard

Pacific Ringneck Snake.
Pacific Ringneck Snake

Big Water Beetle.
Water Beetle

Connie with a Coast Garter Snake.
Connie with a Coast Garter Snake

Before you knew it, our time was up. I guess all good things come to an end, but it sure was fun spending a week in California!
The End

Click here to see photos from 2013