Third Eye - Herping California 2017  
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In the morning I checked out Mount Hamilton.
Mount Hamilton

One of several California Slender Salmanders that were found.
California Slender Salmander

A Northwest Forest Scorpion.
Northwest Forest Scorpion

Northern Pacific Rattlesnake.
Northern Pacific Rattlesnake

A non-native American Bullfrog.
American Bullfrog

The misty atmosphere was ideal for salamanders like these Ensantinas.

An adult Arboreal Salamander.
Arboreal Salamander

California Newt.
California Newt

A pair of Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes.
Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes

California Quail taking a dust bath.
California Quail

I came across a handful of California Toads.
California Toad

In the afternoon I caught up with Zach and we hit the coast.

Sierran Treefrog.
Sierran Treefrog

Coast Garter Snake.
Coast Garter Snake

Herp habitat.
Herp habitat

The first of two Federally Endangered San Francisco Garter Snakes found that afternoon.
San Francisco Garter Snake

San Francisco Garter Snake #2.
San Francisco Garter Snake

A Rubber Boa.
Rubber Boa

The same snake illustrating a classic Rubber Boa defense strategy - presenting it's tail as a fake head while hiding its real one.
Rubber Boa

It was an awesome visit to the Golden State.
Pacific Ocean

Click here to see photos from 2016