Third Eye - Herping California 2018  
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A pond on the mountain that looked like it should be explored.
Mount Hamilton

One of the three Diablo Range Garter Snakes seen.
Diablo Range Garter Snake

Non-native American Bullfrogs were commonplace.
American Bullfrog

Blue-eyed Grass, which despite its name, is a member of the Iris Family.
Blue-eyed Grass

Yellowbelly Racer.
Yellowbelly Racer

A Southern Alligator Lizard that means business.
Southern Alligator Lizard

The only Northern Pacific Rattlesnake seen on the visit.
Northern Pacific Rattlesnake

A non-native Red-ear Slider with a native Western Pond Turtle.
Red-ear Slider and Western Pond Turtle

A Pacific Gopher Snake that I found on a rifle range.
Pacific Gopher Snake

Banana Slug.
Banana Slug

Click here to see Part 5