I closed out the trip by making one last outing to the Santa Cruz Mountains.
A Western Skink, a common smooth and shiny lizard.
A great looking Coast Garter Snake.
It's hard to mistake a Jerusalem Cricket for anything else.
The largest Rubber Boa found on the trip.
A neat and secretive little serpent known as a Sharp-tailed Snake.
A Pacific Gopher Snake that was much obliged to smile for the camera.
Seirran Treefrogs, don't really live up to their common name and spend most of their time on the ground.
An orange striped version of a Santa Cruz Garter Snake.
The Arboreal Salamander is well-known for its tree climbing abilities.
A Pacific Ringneck Snake, I found a few of these on the last day of my trip.
An adult Coastal Fence Lizard.
A nicely marked young Pacific Gopher Snake.
A patternless Southern Alligator Lizard.
It wasn't long before another California trip came to a close (Western Bluebird).