Zebra Swallowtail.
One of the students, Graham, caught a Musk Turtle.
The reptile was sporting some impressive barbels on its chin.
The rustlings of Eastern Towhees could often be heard in the woods around the perimeter of the lake.
Northern Ringneck Snake.
One of my favorite butterflies, a Mourning Cloak.
That evening I gave a short presentation on the creatures that had been found so far. That night I gave a longer presentation/slideshow on life in the Mojave Desert.
Ash Cave.
Mr. Maretka, the high school's biology teacher, points out Squirrel-corn growing along the trail.
Five-lined Skink.
Dusky Salamander.
The students hiked the woods...
...and explored the creeks.
Alex thought everything was A-OK.