Third Eye - Herping Ohio, May 2013  
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Warbler on its nest.
Yellow Warbler

Can an insect be a highlight of a herping trip? I think so. Max found a beetle that I've wanted to see ever since I was a kid - Eyed Click Beetle.
Eyed Click Beetle

Another trip highlight was this melanistic (all-black) Eastern Garter Snake.
Eastern Garter Snake

A Midland Painted Turtle that was given a personal escort across a paved two-lane raod.
Midland Painted Turtle

Barn Swallow.
Barn Swallow

One snake I specifically wanted to find was an Eastern Fox Snake. I succeeded in doing that.
Eastern Fox Snake
Eastern Fox Snake

Max and I posing with the snake.
Max and I

Tufted Loosestrife.
Tufted Loosestrife

Seeing our first Prothonotary Warbler was a great "lifer moment" for Max and I.
Prothonotary Warbler

One of only two DeKay's Snakes that were found.
DeKay's Snake

It was a pretty awesome weekend exploring the Northwest region of my home state.
Common Snapping Turtle

Click here to see Photos from 2012