Third Eye - An April 2015 Herping Weekend in Northwest Ohio  
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An April 2015 Herping Weekend in Northwest Ohio
It was a cool, rainy weekend, but there were plenty of reptiles and amphibians to be found.

A melanistic Eastern Garter Snake.
Eastern Garter Snake

Leopard Frogs were very common, many were calling.
Leopard Frog

Smallmouth Salamander - I came across a few of these.
Smallmouth Salamander

Midland Painted Turtle close-up.
Midland Painted Turtle

Herp habitat.
Herp habitat

An Eastern Garter Snake literally found at our front door.
Eastern Garter Snake

A female American Bullfrog that was missing her front forearm, but otherwise appeared healthy.
Wood Frog

Not a herp, but still cool - British Soldier Lichen.
British Soldier Lichen

I saw my first Northen Water Snakes of the year on this trip - here's one of them.
Northen Water Snake

More herp habitat.
herp habitat

Bee Mimic flies sure do like me.
Bee Mimic Fly

Green Frog, these aren't as common as Leopard Frogs in this part of the Buckeye State.
Green Frog

A yearling melanistic Eastern Garter Snake.
Eastern Garter Snake

Another photo of the same snake.
Eastern Garter Snake

Crab Spider.
Crab Spider

There were many Midland Painted Turtles out basking.
Midland Painted Turtle

Northern Water Snakes were out basking as well.
Northern Water Snake

Leaf Beetle.
Leaf Beetle

Butler's Garter Snake, these aren't as common as Easterns.
Butler's Garter Snake

An awesome Blanding's Turtle.
Blanding's Turtle

An "in situ" Eastern Garter Snake.
Eastern Garter Snake

Western Chorus Frog - there were many of these calling.
Western Chorus Frog

Brown Snake.
Brown Snake

Ground Beetle.
Ground Beetle

An Eastern Garter Snake with a bit of orange.
Eastern Garter Snake

A Leopard Frog with tiny spots.
Leopard Frog

It was an excellent time!
Maumee Bay

Click here to see photos from 2014