Third Eye - Herping Northeast Ohio 2019  
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Twelve Months of Northern Ohio Herps in 2019 (Part 4)

An American Bullfrog that I saw on October 7th.
American Bullfrog

Northern Ringneck Snake.
Northern Ringneck Snake

A Green Frog seen in the Ohio & Erie Canal.
Green Frog

A colorful subadult Midland Painted Turtle.
Midland Painted Turtle

An October backyard Redback Salamander.
Redback Salamander

Triple bullfrog goodness at the edge of the Ohio & Erie Canal.
American Bullfrogs

It's nice to be able to find Two-lined Salamanders in my backyard, like this one.
Two-lined Salamander

A day-before-Halloween Dekay's Brown Snake on the Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail.
Dekay's Brown Snake

An Autumn Green Frog.
Green Frog

A November Midland Painted Turtle surrounded by Fall leaves.
Midland Painted Turtle

In December there were still herps to be found, like this two-days-before-Christmas Midland Painted Turtle (note ice in foreground).
Midland Painted Turtle

A post-Christmas juvenile Red-ear Slider.
Red-ear Slider

A late December American Bullfrog.
American Bullfrog

A Mallard and Midland Painted Turtle sharing a log.
Mallard and Midland Painted Turtle

An adult Red-ear Slider at the edge of the Ohio & Erie Canal in late December.
Red-ear Slider

My last snake of 2019 - an Eastern Garter Snake on December 27th.
Eastern Garter Snake

Midland Painted Turtles are the reptile that you have the best chance of seeing in Winter in northeast Ohio.
Midland Painted Turtle

A Common Snapping Turtle catching some rays in a spot where the ice has melted.
Common Snapping Turtle

Click here to see photos from 2018