Eleven Months of Northern Ohio Herps in 2021
My 2021 Herping Season started on January 6th, when I found this Green Frog under a rock in the creek in my backyard.
A week later, on January 13th, I found this Northern Two-lined Salamander in my backyard.
It was a herpless February in northern Ohio for me, but on March 9th I saw this Midland Painted Turtle in Cuyahoga Valley National Park.
This Red-ear Slider was seen on the same day, also in Cuyahoga Valley National Park.
A backyard Redback Salamander that I found on March 11th.
March is the month for amphibian migrations in northeast Ohio and this Wood Frog, seen on March 12th was part of the migrations.
A "spotless" Red-spotted Newt on March 16th.
This is a vernal pool where hundreds of woodland amphibians travel to to lay their eggs.
On March 18th many visitors attending an amphibian migration on this closed road. This Spotted Salamander was one of the creatures that they came to see.
Spring Peepers are widely considered a harbinger of Spring and they were out as well.
A Smallmouth Salamander getting ready to cross the closed road and get to the vernal breeding pool.
This Wood Frog appeared to be heavy with eggs as it made its way to the breeding site.
My first snake of the year was this Eastern Garter Snake found on March 22nd in Kent.
Herp habitat in northeast Ohio.
An American Bullfrog that I found on March 24th.
I also saw a few Common Snapping Turtles on that day - here's one of them.
It was a great day for herping - I also found my first DeKay's Brown Snake of the year.
A whole bunch of Midland Painted turtles basking on a log in Cuyahoga Valley National Park.
A close-up of Ohio's most conspicuous and colorful chelone - Midland Painted Turtle.
My third snake of the year - a Northern Water Snake on March 24th.
A melanistic Red-eared Slider - males of this species often turn black with age.
Herp habitat in northeast Ohio.
A Red-ear Slider/Midland Painted Turtle "pileup."
A non-native Eastern Cooter and non-native Red-ear Slider basking with Midland Painted Turtles in Cuyahoga Valley National Park on March 24th.
A yellow American Toad crossing the street on the night of March 24th.