Spring Peepers are tiny and blend in well with their surroundings - they are more often heard than seen.
Dragonflies were frequently seen - this is a female Widow Skimmer.
An Eastern Fence Lizard illustrating how it received its common name.
Five-lined Skink eggs inside of a log.
Herp habitat at Jug Bay Wetlands Preserve.
Eastern Painted Turtles.
Reindeer Lichen has a range extending into the tundra and is a important food source for Caribou.
A nice trail going through some prime reptile and amphibian habitat.
My third and final Eastern Box Turtle of the trip.
The Pickerel Frog has a call that sounds like a long, drawn-out snore.
This young Eastern River Cooter was basking in the marsh.
A dragonfly known as an Eastern Pondhawk.
Leopard Frogs get their name due to their spots. They are often found quite some distance from water.
Finding this Black Rat Snake was a great way to end the trip.