Day two was somewhat cooler and less sunny, with temperatures in the low 60s - Cave Salamander.
Cave Salamander close-up.
Portrait of a Western Cottonmouth.
And another.
Red-spotted Purples were frequently seen and this one seemed to be getting around just fine, despite missing a major part of its wing.
I saw more Western Ribbon Snakes on this trip to southern Illinois than on any previous trip.
Central Newt.
Here's what the swamp looked like.
American Giant Millipede.
A well-camoflauged Bird-voiced Treefrog.
A Bird-voiced Treefrog hanging out on the gate at Snake Road.
Here's what the road looked like.
Longtail Salamander.
A young treefrog on Pokeberry.
Green Frog.
Fowler's Toad.
A very fuzzy caterpillar.
A nice looking young adult Black Rat Snake.
An "off road" Red-shouldered Hawk on a speed limit sign.
Cricket Frogs were very common wherever I went herping.
A European Giant Hornet drinking from a dirty hummingbird feeder.