The Fastest Snake In The West I caught a coachwhip (Masticophis flagellum).
Whip Smart | These snakes get their name because they often have a black neck with a tan body and scales that look like a braided whip. They can grow to six feet in length. Click here to see another pic
Coachwhip Close-Up | These alert, active snakes are usually found out in the daytime. They are well known for having a bad temper.
Desert Pool | One of several pools found in the middle of nowhere. Not only was finding water unexpected, but we contemplated what the identity of the creatures living in the water were.
Pool Life | These crustaceans resembled brine shrimp, although they were much larger.
Rock Formation | There were many scenic areas where we were.
Desert Iguana | The only desert iguana (Dipsosaurus dorsalis) we saw was this juvenile. |