Reptilian Greeting Several wildlife sculptures can be found in Las Vegas airport. This is a horned lizard situated next to the pay phones.
| Why Can't We Be Friends? A young coachwhip (Masticophis flagellum) that is not too keen on being captured.
Kinney, Kinney, Kinney
| Ken nooses a side-blotched lizard (Uta stansburiana).
Ken's Catch Close Up
| An example of a striped side-blotch.
New Kid On the Block
| Las Vegas resident Justin Jahn takes up a noose and catches a side-blotch.
Group Effort
| The more you look, the more you find.
Matt's Catch
| Matt Chipchak has joined our lizard catching quests three times. He knows all about the fine art of lizard noosing.
Portrait of a Side-blotch
| A close up look at Matt's catch.
Blue Speckled Side-blotch
| These small lizards can have a rainbow of colors.
| It's not easy noosing lizards when you're surrounded by obstacles.
| Justin takes a call while catching reptiles.
| This blue-green centipede was pretty neat. |