Third Eye - Herping Las Vegas 2012  
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Tim Spuckler
8213 Wyatt Road
Broadview Heights, OH 44147

With every day hitting 100 degrees or more I decided to "beat the heat" and head to a mountain where I knew it would be 20 degrees cooler.

There were a number of butterflies out, including this Mormon Fritillary.
Mormon Fritillary

Western Tiger Swallowtail.
Western Tiger Swallowtail

The Nevada Admiral occurs nowhere else in the world but on this mountain and the surrounding area.
Nevada Admiral

I walked this path.

Male Sagebrush Lizard.
Sagebrush Lizard

Female Sagebrush Lizard.
Sagebrush Lizard

There were lots of mammals to be seen, like this Mule Deer.
Mule Deer

Wild Horse.
Wild Horse

Wild Burros.
Wild Burros

And when nightfall came, I finally got to see some snakes like this Great Basin Gopher Snake.
Great Basin Gopher Snake

And my first and only Longnose Snake of the trip.
Longnose Snake

Click here to see Part 7