Third Eye - Herping Las Vegas 2014  
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Tim Spuckler
8213 Wyatt Road
Broadview Heights, OH 44147

I traveled to SoCal to hang out with Jim Bass. Here's a striped Western Fence Lizard on the railing.
Western Fence Lizard

Jim can catch turtles.
Jim Bass

Melanistic Red-eared Slider.
Melanistic Red-eared Slider

Flame Skimmer.
Flame Skimmer

Baja Treefrog.
Baja Treefrog

Everyone loves gigantic Jerusalem Crickets.
Jerusalem Cricket

I caught this fine looking Gopher Snake.
Gopher Snake

Solifuges were seen on night hikes.

A Western Toad with some nice color and pattern.
Western Toad

One day we visited San Bernadino County.
San Bernadino County

I found this "lifer" San Diego Alligator Lizard.
San Diego Alligator Lizard

We checked out this creek.

Southern Pacific Rattlesnake.
Southern Pacific Rattlesnake

Side-blotched Lizard.
Side-blotched Lizard

I found this "lifer" Two-striped Garter Snake.
Two-striped Garter Snake

I also found this "lifer" California Mountain Kingsnake.
California Mountain Kingsnake

We also came across this juvenile.
California Mountain Kingsnake

Close-up of the third king found that day.
California Mountain Kingsnake

A full-body shot of the same snake.
California Mountain Kingsnake

The next day we visited Riverside County.
Riverside County

I caught this "lifer" Granite Spiny Lizard.
Granite Spiny Lizard

It was an awesome adventure.
Granite Spiny Lizard

Click here to see Photos from 2014