Third Eye - Herping California  
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Santa Cruz Creek Up A Creek
Good-looking habitat in Santa Cruz.
Banana Slug Bananarama
These get pretty big. The Santa Cruz college football team is The Santa Cruz Slugs.
Sharptail Snake Look Sharp!
The Sharptail Snake feeds primarily on slugs. It has a pointed spike at the end of its tail that it stabs its enemies with.
Ensatina Ensatina
These come in a varirty of colors and patterns.
Redwoods Redwoods
The bark from these trees is worth looking under.
Black Belly Black Belly Salamander
These can often be found under fallen redwood tree bark.
Big Bug Big Bad Bug
This Longhorn Wood Boring Beetle is one of the largest beetles in the United States. They bite.
Huge Bug The Huge Bug of the Day
Everyone loves big bugs.
Aboreal Salamander Aboreal Salamander
These large, interesting amphibians sometimes climb trees. They've been found at heights of 30 feet and are well known for having a bad temper.
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