Third Eye - Herping California  
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Waterway Waterway
This body of water had some frogs and toads - including non-native bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana).
Tiny Toad Tiny Toad
This young Western Toad (Bufo boreas) was hopping around a creek that came from the waterway.
Fence Lizard Doing What It Does Best
A Western Fence Lizard sitting on a fence post.
Whiptail Western Whiptail
The Western Whiptail (Cnemidophorus tigris) is a fast-moving lizard that does not hesitate to run under the cover of rocks or vegetation.
Cactus California Cactus
This plant was much taller than me.
Skink Shiny Lizard
The Western Skink (Eumeces skiltonianus), reminds me of its five-lined relative, except it doesn't have a stripe running down its back.
Skink Blue Tail
These lizards have smooth scales, shiny bodies, small legs and a colorful tail that readily breaks.
California King California King
We found this California Kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula californiae) while roadhunting one night. These snakes are powerful constrictors
Click here to see another pic
Buttittas The Buttitta Sisters
Connie and Sarah admire the King of California.
Hummingbird Floating Fast, Like a Hummingbird
Just another "day in the life" at the Buttitta birdfeeder.
Click here to see Part 3