Ready to Herp
Who says that you can't find reptiles and amphibians in lousy weather?
| It's Big, It's Heavy, It's Wood Rolling the first log of the day revealed a Southern Alligator Lizard.
Grinning for a Gator
| Sarah holds the first herp of the day. Click here to see another Alligator Lizard pic
First Fence
| Connie caught her first Fence Lizard ever. Click here to see another Fence Lizard pic
Gopher It
| We found a Pacific Gopher Snake under artificial cover and Sarah caught it.
Serpent Sisters
| Sarah and Connie pose with the Gopher Snake.
Super Slug
| Banana Slugs aren't the smallest slugs in the world. Click here to see a close-up of a Banana Slug
Salamander City
| We saw several Slender Salamanders. Click here to see a close-up of a Slender Salamander
That Was Fun, Now Let's Go Find a Starbucks
| Another California herping adventure comes to a close. |