Third Eye - Herping California 2010  
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It was 43 degrees and raining on my last day of herping in California. Most people were inside, trying to stay warm and dry - but that's not how we roll.


Saturday - Herping with Sarah & Connie
(Skyline Drive)
Ready Ready to Herp
Who says that you can't find reptiles and amphibians in lousy weather?
Log Roll
It's Big, It's Heavy, It's Wood
Rolling the first log of the day revealed a Southern Alligator Lizard.
Sarah Alligator Grinning for a Gator
Sarah holds the first herp of the day.
Click here to see another Alligator Lizard pic
Connie with Fence Lizard First Fence
Connie caught her first Fence Lizard ever.
Click here to see another Fence Lizard pic
Gopher Snake Gopher It
We found a Pacific Gopher Snake under artificial cover and Sarah caught it.
Sisters Serpent Sisters
Sarah and Connie pose with the Gopher Snake.
Slug Super Slug
Banana Slugs aren't the smallest slugs in the world.
Click here to see a close-up of a Banana Slug
Slender Salamander Salamander City
We saw several Slender Salamanders.
Click here to see a close-up of a Slender Salamander
End of Trip That Was Fun, Now Let's Go Find a Starbucks
Another California herping adventure comes to a close.
Click here to see photos from 2009