Third Eye - Herping California 2011  
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My final day of herping in NorCal turned out to be a pretty productive one.


Saturday - Herping with Sarah and Connie
(Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties)
Ready for Action
It was time for the last outing of the year in California.
Alligator Lizard
Good Gator
One of the early finds was a Southern Alligator Lizard.
Did you know that Alligator Lizards bite (click to see pic)?
Bullfrog Black Frog
A creek we explored was populated with Bullfrogs, some of them were quite dark.
Crayfish Mister Pinchers
We also found a Crayfish which we decided to imitate.
Click here to see another pic
Coast Garter Striped Snake
Of course there were Coast Garter Snakes too.
Western Pond Turtle Turtle Time
A few Western Pond Turtles were seen as well.
Double Fisted Double Fisted
We were catching a whole lotta herps!
Coast Garter Snake Sarah's Coast
Sarah caught this way-cool Coast Garter Snake.
Click here to see another pic of this Coast Garter Snake
Coast Garter Snake Redless
This Coast Garter Snake had almost no red.
Yellowbelly Racer Let's Race
We eventually captured this young Yellowbelly Racer, which at first got away from us.
Newt Favorite Find
By far, the girls enjoyed finding newts the most because "They're so cute."
Click here to see another newt pic
Rubber Boa Last But Not Least
Connie caught her first Rubber Boa, and it was a big one.
Click here to see another pic of this Rubber Boa
Coast Goodbye See You Next Year, California!
Thanks to Natalie, Zach, Lenny, Julia, Sarah and Connie for spending time in the field with me.
Click here to see photos from 2010