On a cold, rainy day with temperatures in the mid-forties I headed north to Mendocino County. I've always thought that this place has a "prehistoric" feel to it, with its giant Coastal Redwoods.
Adding to the "giant" theme are huge Banana Slugs.
And Giant Trillium.
And a wall of ferns lining a hiking trail...
...that runs along this fast-moving creek.
And these primitive plants only add to the effect that this is a land "lost in time."
But do giants really live here? As a matter of fact they do, in the form of the first "lifer" of the year for me - a Coastal Giant Salamander.
Another photo of this spectacular amphibian.
Pacific Clubtail Dragonfly.
Orange-edged bracket fungus.
Rough-skinned Newt.
A metal fish jumping over a log.
Slender Salamander.
Double millipede happiness.