Third Eye - Herping Carter Caves 2010  
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In the afternoon we decided to check out the shoreline of the lake to see if any additional herps could be found.


Shoreline Herping
Tiger Swallowtails Triple Tigers
This trio of Tiger Swallowtails was near the lake - there were other butterflies there as well.
Click here to see a Zebra Swallowtail and a Red-spotted Purple
Fence Lizard
First Fence
The weather finally became warm enough for Fence Lizards to come out - unlike skinks, they are rough-scaled reptiles.
Scott and Fence Lizard Teacher Time
Mr. Maretka used a combination of stealth and quick reflexes to catch his quarry.
Crazy Bug Crazy Bug
I have no idea what this thing is - my best guess is that it's some sort of Harvestman.
Wood Frog Masked Marvel
This Wood Frog was a nice find. They range farther north than any other reptile or amphibian and can survive being frozen solid.
Stinkpot Stinky Situation
The first turtle discovered on the trip was this small Stinkpot, which didn't mind at all using its musk defense tactic and willingness to bite to show that it shouldn't be messed with.
Adam Angry Hour
Adam chose to emulate the cantankerous turtle...
..while Holly and Mary found that the more mild-mannered Fence Lizards better suited their personalties.
Click here to see Part 5