Third Eye - Vegas Vacation 2004  
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Break Break Time
Las Vegas artist Montana Black takes a break from lizard catching and mountain climbing.
Whiptail Smile For The Camera
A whiptail (Cnemidophorus tigris) - the only one we caught on the trip.

Storm Storm?
For a few minutes it looked like it was going to rain, but it didn't.
Lizard Hunt Lizard Quest
Max finds his first lizard, and we set out to catch it.
First Lizard Catch Success
Catching lizards is challenging and fun.
Side Blotch Side Blotched Lizard
A close-up of Max's catch.
Click here to see a blue-spotted side blotch
Windscorpion Unusual Arachnid
A windscorpion.
Barrel Cactus Barrel Cactus
There was no shortage of these.
No Cameras "I told you no cameras!"
It's not always easy being my field trip photographer.
Click here to see Part 3