Third Eye - Herping Las Vegas 2011  
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Tim Spuckler
8213 Wyatt Road
Broadview Heights, OH 44147

More Roadhunting/Secret Waterfall
longnose snake Longnose One
That night I did some more roadhunting; I found a couple of Longnose Snakes.
Click here to see another photo of this snake
longnose snake
Longnose Two
The second Longnose Snake has quite a bit of yellow speckling.
Lyre Snake Lyre Lifer
I also found this "lifer" - a Lyre Snake.
Click here to see another photo of this snake

Deep in the southern tip of Nevada there is a hidden 15-foot waterfall tucked away in the desert. To get to it, one must pass through an art gallery of petroglyphs, navigate a valley of grapevines, climb some pretty big boulders, pass through a stone maze, and walk a half mile or so in a wash. Sound like fun? If so, then join me.

Coachwhip Red Racer
Along the way I found this Coachwhip.
Click here to see another photo of this snake
Leopard Lizard Leopard Lizard
I also saw this Leopard Lizard on the road.
petroglyphs Rock Art
The area's large collection of petroglyphs is a sight to behold. Some are at eye level, while others are high up on rocks. I'd estimate that there are hundreds of etchings in a quarter-mile area.
Click here to see another petroglyph

How about one more petroglyph?
Side-blotched Lizard Another Side
A colorful Side-blotched Lizard.
patchnose snake Surprise Snake
While gazing at the rock art, I saw something out of the corner of my eye approaching me. It was working its way down a slope and eventually fell, landing at my feet. It was a Patchnose Snake. It seemed to want to get its photo taken.
Click here to see a Patchnose Snake close-up

How about one more photo?
boulders Rocky Road
Then it came time to do some boulder climbing.
Chuckwalla Little Chuck
If you sit high up and wait awhile without moving, the Chuckwallas will come out.
Chuckwalla Big Chuck
Click here to see another photo of this lizard
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Deadly Diamondback
After doing some moderate climbing, a plateau is reached. There's a huge granite slab that must be crossed. Once I made it to the other side, I found this Western Diamondback Rattlesnake. I was stoked, it was my first Nevada WDB.
Click here to see a Western Diamondback Rattlesnake close-up

How about one more photo?
granite narrows Granite Narrows
After photographing the snake it was then time to make my way through the "granite narrows," which have been sculpted by water. They look a bit like abstract art and are quite cool inside - especially when there's a breeze passing through.
Click here to see another photo
waterfall Waterfall
Finally, after a short hike through a nondescript area, the waterfall can be encountered. It's a very cool place, with plenty of wildlife around it.
Click here to see another photo of the waterfalls
Spiny Lizard Living in a Desert Paradise
A Spiny Lizard.
Gopher Snake Gopher It
On the way back I saw a Gopher Snake.
Click here to see a photo of this Gopher Snake "as found"

How about one more photo?
Click here to see Part 3