

While hiking in Brecksville Reservation this week I noticed two dogs romping in an open field. It was not the first time I’ve come across Coyotes in the wild, but it was a nice encounter, because I was able to observe some of their natural behavior.


This mammal is not native to Ohio; we tend to associate Coyotes with the open, deserted lands of the west. But this mammal has the ability to make the best of a bad situation and survive…or even prosper. As its presence in the Buckeye State shows, this versatile animal can make a home most anywhere.


They often will hunt in unrelated (non-family) pairs or large groups. Coyotes typically eat small mammals, but they also consume vegetation and fruit, such as summertime berries. These were very busy listening to mice, voles or shrews tunneling under the snow. It was amusing to watch them as they playfully pounced on prey that they could hear, but not see.


Coyotes have a bushy tail which is usually tipped in black and is carried down at a 45 degree angle as the animal moves. They stand about 1-1/2 to 2 feet tall and are between 41 to 53 inches in length. Males are larger than the females and weigh anywhere from 20 to 50 pounds.


The Coyote’s strength is that it can adapt and exploit almost any habitat to its advantage. It first arrived in Ohio in 1919 and can now be found in all of Ohio’s 88 counties – and they continue to expand their range.


While most wildlife species have avoided developed areas and often declined as a result of man’s expansion, the Coyote seems to be thriving.

Third Eye Herp

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