On my recent trip to South Carolina I had a chance to get reacquainted with a reptile from my childhood. As a kid I kept Green Anoles as pets in the classroom in grade school as well as at home.
Despite its name, this lizard can be either green or brown depending, on environmental conditions. When brown, it may have faint markings on the back. It is sometimes referred to as the “American Chameleon” due to its ability to change color from several brown hues to bright green.
These lizards are active by day in warm weather and often bask in vegetation, occasionally charging away from their basking spots to grab an insect or chase off a rival Anole. During cool weather anoles are often found hiding under tree bark, shingles or in rotten logs. Sometimes several of these reptiles can be found taking refuge in one spot.
The Green Anole’s head is long and pointed with ridges between the eyes and nostrils, and smaller ridges on the top of the head. The toes have adhesive pads to facilitate climbing.
This creatures diet consists of small insects such as crickets, grasshoppers, spiders and other arthropods.
The male anole performs a series of visual displays to establish dominance and territory. It will bob its head up and down, do “pushups” and flare its pink dewlap.
It was cool to come across these reptiles at several places that I visited on my trip to Hilton Head.