Finescale Stoneroller

01 Finescale Stoneroller_7145

I came across a couple of examples of this fine fish while on my outing to southern Illinois this year. This minnow is characterized by having a rounded snout overhanging a crescent-shaped mouth.

02 Finescale Stoneroller_4306

The Finescale Stoneroller’s preferred habitat is pools or riffles with gravel or rubble substrate in small to medium-sized streams. It prefers cool, clear water with moderate to fast currents.

03 Finescale Stoneroller_4308

This fish is generally herbivorous, feeding primarily on algae scraped from rocks and logs with the cartilaginous ridge on its lower jaw. It is classified as a grazing minnow and large schools of these fish often feed together.

04 Finescale Stoneroller_4343

During breeding season, males begin building nests starting in late Winter and continuing throughout Midsummer, creating large, bowl-shaped depressions in calm waters by rolling stones along the bottom with their noses, giving them their common name.

05 Finescale Stoneroller_4345

This small fish is prey to many larger fish as well as many birds and reptiles. To avoid them, they move fast, travel in schools and hide when they perceive danger.

Third Eye Herp

Eastern Tiger Salamander

01 Eastern Tiger Salamander_4246

While visiting southern Illinois, I came across the largest land dwelling salamander in North America. It generally grows to be between 7 and 8-1/2 inches in length, but can reach up to 13 inches.

02 Eastern Tiger Salamander_4528

The Eastern Tiger Salamander is stocky with sturdy limbs and a long tail. Its body color is dark brown (almost black) and irregularly marked with yellow-to-olive colored blotches.

03 Eastern Tiger Salamander_4537

Belonging to the family known as Mole Salamanders, Tiger Salamanders are fossorial, spending much of their lives underground, feeding on worms, snails, insects and slugs.

04 Eastern Tiger Salamander_4523

These salamanders migrate to breeding ponds in late Winter or early Spring. One to two days after courtship, a female lays up to a hundred eggs, which hatch about four weeks later. The larvae stay in the pond for 3 to 5 months before emerging to live on the land.

05 Eastern Tiger Salamander_4540

Eastern Tiger Salamanders are the most widely distributed salamander in North America and can be found in habitats ranging from woodlands to open fields to marshy areas.

Third Eye Herp

Small White Morning Glory

01 Small White Morning Glory_4S2B7844

On my travels to southern Illinois this past Autumn, I came across this neat native wildflower growing along some railroad tracks.

02 Small White Morning Glory_4S2B7841

Small White Morning Glory favors disturbed habitats like prairies, thickets, the gravelly bars of streams and banks of lakes, moist meadows near rivers or woodlands, abandoned fields, areas along roadsides and railroads and miscellaneous waste areas.

03 Small White Morning Glory_4S2B7838

The “Morning Glory” name is applied because these flowers, which can be especially glorious when large numbers are blooming, will close up later in the day as the bright sun shines on them. Each flower is about one inch wide.

04 Small White Morning Glory_4S2B7839

Small White Morning Glory’s heart-shaped leaves are often crimson-edged and it relies primarily on its vining habit to disperse into new areas. Its vines range from 3 to 10 feet in length.

05 Small White Morning Glory_4S2B7848

The flowers of the Small White Morning Glory attract primarily bumblebees and other longer-tongued bees for its nectar.

Third Eye Herp

Carolina Mantis

01 Carolina Mantis_7192

While walking along some railroad tracks in southern Illinois, I came across this cool creature.

02 Mantis_4440

The Carolina Mantis is a species native to North Carolina and South Carolina; hence the name. But, actually it is a common mantis is most states of the United States. It also occurs in Mexico and South America.

03 Carolina Mantis_7197

These insects are about 2-1/2 inches long and are highly variable in color. They may be gray with spots, green, green with spots or bands, brown, and brown with spots or bands.

04 Carolina Mantis_7194

The front legs are usually held folded in front of the insect in a pose resembling prayer. When an unfortunate insect gets too close, the mantis’ forelegs spring out, grab the prey and then hold it while it is eaten.

05 Carolina Mantis_4449

This insect is found in woodlands and meadows, especially around flowering plants. It tends to stay in one place as for long as there is a good supply of food and usually uses a “sit-and-wait” tactic of obtaining its prey.

06 Carolina Mantis_4438

The Carolina Mantis is the state insect of South Carolina.

Third Eye Herp

Speckled Kingsnake

01 Glade_7325

My only “lifer” snake found this year was encountered in a glade in Missouri. I was flipping rocks and enjoying seeing Slimy Salamanders, Black Widow Spiders and Bark Scorpions, when this fine serpent turned up.

02 Speckled Kingsnake_4842

This is an easy to identify medium-to-large, shiny black snake covered with small yellow spots. The ground color is generally black or dark brown. A white or yellow spot occurs in the center of most of the scales, to make the snake look speckled.

03 Speckled Kingsnake_4839

Speckled Kingsnakes are not only common in relatively undisturbed habitats, but often are also common in agricultural areas, particularly around buildings and junkyards.

04 Speckled Kingsnake_4888

This reptile kills its prey by constriction. Its foods include small rodents, lizards and other snakes, including venomous species such as Copperheads, Cottonmouths and Rattlesnakes. It is immune to the venom of snakes living in its home range.

05 Speckled Kingsnake_4831

The Speckled Kingsnake is often called the “salt-and-pepper” snake. This reptile was a most welcome find on my Autumn outing.

Third Eye Herp

Witches’ Butter

01 Cypress Swamp_4145

While walking along the edge of a cypress swamp in southern Illinois last month, some small, yellow, irregularly lobed, gelatinous masses caught my eye.

01 Witches-Butter_4419

Witches’ Butter has fruiting bodies that are brain-like, sulfur yellow-to-pale yellow and have a gelatinous texture. It grows in masses on dead deciduous wood, especially oaks.

02 Witches' Butter_7280

This fungi’s full-time job is to inhabit dead wood as a parasite that gets nourishment by digesting the tissues of an unrelated fungus (a crust-like fungus that is itself parasitizing and maybe killing the tree). Witches’ Butter is therefore a parasite of a parasite!

03 Witches' Butter_4415

Witches’ Butter has a cosmopolitan distribution, having been recorded from Europe, North, Central, and South America, Africa, Asia, and Australia. Its fruit bodies are formed during wet periods throughout the year.

04 Witches' Butter_4414

A type of Jelly Fungi, the investigation of the medicinal benefits of Jelly Fungi has revealed that they stimulate the immune system, reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol and are useful in the treatment of allergies and diabetes.

05 Witches' Butter_7278

This fungus is also known as Yellow Brain, Golden Jelly Fungus and Yellow Trembler.

Third Eye Herp

Three-toed Box Turtle

01 Three-toed Box Turtle_7397

While visiting a nature center in Missouri last month and walking the trails, I came upon a reptile that I have never encountered in the wild before.

02 Three-toed Box Turtle_7370

Three-toed Box Turtles are named due to the number of toes on the back feet, though there can be four-toed examples too. Their carapace (upper shell) is high-domed and tends to be olive or brown with faint yellow or orange lines. It’s small size (usually less than five inches), color and pattern allow it to blend in well with the forest floor.

03 Three-toed Box Turtle_7379

Generally a forest species, it also can be found on forest edges and in brushy fields. Young Three-toed Box Turtles consume mostly earthworms and insects, while adults tend to be more vegetarian, eating a variety of plants, berries and mushrooms.

04 Three-toed Box Turtle_7383

To protect themselves from predators, turtles are able to pull their heads, legs, and tails into their shells. Box Turtles have the additional ability to clamp their shells completely shut, due to a hinge in the plastron (lower shell). Very few predators can successfully prey on an adult Box Turtle.

05 Three-toed Box Turtle_4643

Because of this adaptation, once a Box Turtle reaches adulthood, its average life span is 50 years, while a significant portion live to over 100 years in age.

06 Three-toed Box Turtle_7386

This reptile is native to the south-central part of the United States and is the official reptile of the state of Missouri.

Third Eye Herp

Modest Katydid

Modest Katydid_0732

While exploring a cypress swamp in southern Illinois, I came across this fine creature. Native to the southeastern United States, this species is more common in the south, but appears to be expanding its range northward.

Modest Katydid_4150

It is found in a wide variety of both dry and wet habitats, though in more northern states, most reside in bottomland forests. The Modest Katydid is small and easily overlooked. Not only is the species size and demeanor modest, the song is barely audible in the field.

Modest Katydid_4151

Though it looks leaf-like like other katydids, a key identification mark it that it has a bold dark diagonal stripe through its eye. Like other katydids, it eats leaves from deciduous trees in wooded areas, parks and neighborhoods.

Modest Katydid_4155

The quiet, lispy ticks of the Modest Katydid are very hard to hear in the field. The nighttime chorusing of other katydids and crickets easily drown them out.

Third Eye Herp

Eastern Narrow-mouthed Toad

01 Eastern Narrowmouth Toad_6944

While checking out this sand prairie in Missouri last month, I came across a tiny amphibian that I have not seen in many years.

02 Eastern Narrowmouth Toad_4S2B7795

Narrow-mouthed Toads are small, flattened frogs with pointed snouts and a fold of skin across the back of their heads. These unusual, plump creatures are typically only around 1 to 1-1/2 inches.

03 Eastern Narrowmouth Toad_4S2B7791

These amphibians are found throughout the southeastern United States, but are absent from high elevations. They use many types of habitats, as long as adequate moisture and shelter are present.

04 Eastern Narrowmouth Toad_4S2B7798

Eastern Narrow-mouthed Toads primarily eat ants, although they also eat termites and small beetles. Their call is a bleating, nasal baaaa, which sounds like a lamb.

05 Eastern Narrowmouth Toad_4S2B7800

It was really neat to see one of these cool creatures again in my travels.

Third Eye Herp

Striped Shiner

01 Striped Shiner_7143

While exploring southern Illinois this month, I caught this rather deep-bodied minnow with large, silvery scales that are are generally much higher than they are wide. Its common name refers to the occasional gold iridescence along its back.

02 Striped Shiner_4324

This fish occurs in clear, permanent-flowing streams with clean gravelly or rocky bottoms. It prefers relatively warm and quiet water. As far as minnows go, it is reasonably sizeable, at a total length of 3 to 5 inches and a maximum of about 7 inches.

03 Striped Shiner_4333

The Striped Shiner is an omnivore, feeding on both plants and animals. Minnows like this are high in ecological importance, because they are a great food source for other fish, birds and species that eat fish.

04 Striped Shiner_4336

It was neat to come across this cool creature which I have never encountered before.

Third Eye Herp