Milky Slug

01 Milky Slug_2025

I often find these creatures around the edges of my garden on rainy Winter days. They are most often under rocks, logs or tarps. I suspect that they get flooded out of their burrows and surface for a bit before going back underground.

02 Milky Slugs_3190

This species is almost exclusively restricted to cultivated areas, usually in open habitats, meadows, near roadsides, in ruins, gardens and parks – but it is not found in forests.

03 Milky Slugs_2034

Also known as the Grey Field Slug or Grey Garden Slug, it is native to northern Europe, North Africa, and the Atlantic Islands. It was introduced into North America and now occurs across the continent. It is most common in southern Canada and the northern United States.

04 Milky Slug_2732

Like many of its relatives, the Milky Slug is active at night. During the day it remains concealed in the ground. It does not burrow, but uses existing crevices and worm holes. After dark, it climbs onto vegetation to feed.

05 Milky_4475

It is wide-ranging in its diet, consuming beans, celery, corn, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, radish, turnips, pumpkin, squash, lettuce, peas, spinach, and more.

06 Milky Slugs_3187

When at rest, its body is contracted and the tentacles are retracted. When disturbed, it exudes white mucus over its entire body, leading to its common name.

07 Milky Slugs_2030

Slugs are hermaphrodites; every slug is born with both male and female reproductive parts and any slug is capable of laying eggs; self-fertilization can also occur.

Third Eye Herp

Pacific Littleneck Clam

01 Pacific Littleneck Clam_1210

While tidepooling in Central California, I found this clam. It is native to the Pacific Ocean from Baja California, Mexico to the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. The Pacific Littleneck Clam has a chalky shell that ranges from round- to oval-shaped and is a maximum of 3 inches long. Its shell is very heavy, and this species is sometimes called the “Rock Cockle” because of its strong radiating ridges.

02 Pacific Littleneck Clam_1306

This species is fast-growing and is often harvested in the wild by hand for cooking in chowder. On a wider scale, it is a popular edible clam which is commercially fished in some areas.

03 Pacific Littleneck Clam_1305

Pacific Littleneck Clams are poor diggers that not burrow vertically, due to their short siphons and feet. Thus, individuals remain close to surface of the substrate where they easily burrow horizontally. Since it is a relatively slow digger, it is not found in areas with unstable sand.

04 Pacific Littleneck Clam_3152

In 1885, this species was introduced to the East Coast of North America. The clams were brought from Oregon and Washington and planted near Woods Hole, Massachusetts, but they did not survive and were never found in the surrounding area.

05 Pacific Littleneck Clam_1304

The Pacific Littleneck Clam is also known as the Littleneck Clam, Common Pacific Littleneck, Rock Cockle, Hardshell Clam, Tomales Bay Cockle, Rock Clam, and Ribbed Carpet Shell.

Third Eye Herp

Wavy-rayed Lampmussel

01 Lampsilis fasciola - Wavy-rayed Lampmussel_6492

While exploring a creek near Youngstown, Ohio, I came across this cool creature.

02 Lampsilis fasciola - Wavy-rayed Lampmussel_6483

The Wavy-rayed Lampmussel occurs in small-to-medium sized shallow streams in and near riffles with good current. It rarely occurs in rivers. Its substrate of preference is sand and/or gravel.

03 Lampsilis fasciola - Wavy-rayed LampmusselIMG_6491

Its shell color ranges from yellow to yellowish green with numerous thin, wavy green rays. It can reach four inches in width and can live up to 20 years. Like all mussels, this species filters water to find food, such as bacteria and algae.

04 Lampsilis fasciola - Wavy-rayed Lampmusse_6482

Mussels in general are rather sedentary, although they may move in response to changing water levels and conditions. Mussels insert their “foot” (seen here inside of shell) into the sand or gravel and pull themselves forward, inching their way along the creek bottom.

05 Lampsilis fasciola - Wavy-rayed Lampmussel

Belonging to a group known as bivalves, this mollusc is completely enclosed by a shell made of two valves. A hinge ligament joins the two halves of the shell together and large adductor muscles between the two valves hold them closed.

06 Lampsilis fasciola - Wavy-rayed Lampmusse_6484

Mussel larvae are parasitic and must attach to a fish host, where they consume nutrients from the fish body until they transform into juvenile mussels and drop off.

07 Lampsilis fasciola - Wavy-rayed Lampmussel_6486

The Wavy-rayed Lampmussel’s fish hosts are the Largemouth Bass and Smallmouth Bass. The presence of fish hosts is one of the key features for an area to support a healthy mussel population.

08 Lampsilis fasciola - Wavy-rayed Lampmussel_6485

In turn, mussels are ecological indicators. Their presence in a water body usually indicates good water quality.

Third Eye Herp

Spotted Dorid

Spotted Dorid_2537

In Central California this is often the most common sea slug around, though this impression may be due to the fact that its orange coloration makes it one of the easiest to find.

Spotted Dorid_4116

While the body shape is consistent, there are several color forms associated with age: the smallest often appear pure orange, medium individuals (1-1/2 inches long) are dark brown with white spots and large examples (3 inches) are light orange with distinctive white spots.

Spotted Dorid_4120

This species lives in the eastern Pacific Ocean, from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, to Baja California, Mexico. It also lives in Japan. It feeds on bryozoans.

Spotted Dorid_4115

It was neat to experience this a shell-less marine gastropod in the wild.

Third Eye Herp

Pacific Red Octopus

Pacific Red Octopus 0078

One of the unquestionable highlights of tidepooling in California was seeing this cool creature – the first octopus I’ve ever encountered in the wild. The Pacific Red Octopus doesn’t seem to be as picky when it comes to its diet as many other species of octopus and will consume whatever food they can find, like crabs, clams, barnacles and scallops.

Pacific Red Octopus_4193

An octopus usually collects food at night and then retreats to its den to eat at its leisure. It kills its prey with venom secreted from its salivary glands, then cracks the shell with its sharp beak.

Pacific Red Octopus_4196

It can also drill a hole in the snail’s shell and inject a chemical that separates the snail’s flesh from its shell. An octopus deposits empty shells outside its den in a pile – commonly called an “octopus’s garden.”

Pacific Red Octopus_4207

Although it has excellent eyesight, The Pacific Red Octopus uses touch and smell to find food; thousands of chemical receptors and millions of texture receptors line the rims of its suckers for the purpose of detecting food.

Pacific Red Octopus_4218

Like all octopuses, it can change its color and texture, making its appearance highly variable. Color can vary from a deep brick red, to brown, to white, or mottled mixtures of the three.

Pacific Red Octopus_4205

These are thought to be among the most intelligent of all invertebrates. The presence of individual personalities is a hallmark of intelligence, and the Pacific Red Octopus was the first invertebrate in which individual personalities were demonstrated.

Third Eye Herp

Opalescent Nudibranch

Opalescent Nudibranch_4060

While on a tidal pool adventure at Pillar Point, California, I came across this brightly colored marine invertebrate. Though it is small, only growing to about 2 inches, it is one of the prettiest and most colorful of the sea slugs.

Opalescent Nudibranch_4084

The Opalescent Nudibranch feeds mainly on hydra-like marine organisms such as sea anemones. It sometimes attacks other sea slugs and will eat smaller specimens of its own species. It can be found around tidepools, as well as on rocks, pier pilings and mudflats. It can also be found from low-tide line water to water up to 100 feet deep.

Opalescent Nudibranch_4089

Not only is it beautiful, but this creature is also a model organism and used in studies into classical conditioning, memory consolidation and associative learning, the structure of neural circuits and neural physiology. In addition, it is widely used in studies of ecology, pharmacology and toxicology.

Third Eye Herp

Sea Lemon

Sea Lemon_4057

While investigating tide pools near San Francisco, I found several cool creatures, this was one of them. It is a medium-sized, shell-less colorful Sea Slug – a marine gastropod mollusk. Its common name comes from this animal’s visual similarity to a lemon, featuring roughened skin, an oval shape (when seen from above), and its yellow coloration.

Sea Lemon_4073

Its bright colors are an advertisement to its distastefulness; its fruity, penetrating odor and acidic taste repels most predators, though Sea Slugs eat other Sea Slugs, this type feeds mainly on sponges. Like a land slug, it uses its filelike tongue to scrape sponges, its favorite being the Breadcrumb Sponge.

Sea Lemon_4078

The Sea Lemon has a ring of upright feathery gills, which are quickly retracted when a disturbance is sensed, similar to how a land slug retracts its eyes. It is hermaphroditic, possessing both male and female organs. This fascinating invertebrate is relatively short-lived, having a lifespan of about a year.

Third Eye Herp

Atlantic Ribbed Mussel

Atlantic Ribbed Mussel_8435


While checking out a tiny cove in Rye, New York, I came across several examples of this bivalve that lives in low, regularly flooded marshes and mud flats.

Atlantic Ribbed Mussel_8414

The Atlantic Ribbed Mussel grows 2 to 4 inches in length. Its glossy, oval, grooved shell varies in color from olive or yellowish-brown to black. The shell’s interior is iridescent blue to silvery white.

Atlantic Ribbed Mussel_8421

These creatures are are filter feeders. During high tide, they open their shells slightly to draw in water, filtering out algae and other particles.

Atlantic Ribbed Mussel_8427

They attach themselves to rocks and other surfaces and clumps of mussels can be found half-buried in the mud among marsh grasses.

Atlantic Ribbed Mussel_8405

Mussels perform an important environmental function of filtering water entering marshes during each tidal cycle. This helps clean and clarify the water.

Atlantic Ribbed Mussel_8407

An Atlantic Ribbed Mussel’s age can be determined by counting dark growth rings on the shell. Mussels typically live 10 – 15 years, but more advanced ages are not uncommon.

Third Eye Herp

Yellow-soled Slug

Yellow-soled Slug_0550

Also known by its common name the “Garden Slug,” “Small Striped Slug” or “Black Field Slug,” this species is small (about 1 inch). The “Yellow-soled” part of its name comes from its colorful foot.

Yellow-soled Slug_8794

This creature lives in gardens, fields, pastures and similar habitat and consumes agriculturally important crops; it often inhabits disturbed sites like roadsides.

Yellow-soled Slug_4679

Their food is eaten by means of a rasping tongue known as a radula. Slugs are related to snails; in this species the shell is reduced to a group of calcareous granules below the mantle, which appears as a bulge on front part of the animal.

Yellow-soled Slug_8803

Yellow-soled Slugs emerge at night and spend the day in moist places beneath stones, logs and other objects. Although not a favorite of many people, I didn’t mind coming across this little creature on a warm Winter’s day.

Third Eye Herp

Leopard Slug

Limax maximus_7350

The Latin name for this creature is Limax maximus, which literally means “biggest slug.” It is also known by the common name Great Grey Slug. Although I occasionally see them in my home state of Ohio, I saw quite a few while visiting southern Illinois.

Limax maximus_7863

Adults measure 4 to 8 inches in length and are usually a light grey or grey-brown with darker spots and blotches, although their coloration and patterning is quite variable. Although native to Europe, this species has been accidentally introduced to many other parts of the world.

Limax maximus_7951

It makes its home in forests, but is often also found in cellars and in cultivated areas. Leopard Slugs are mainly active at night, though they may also be seen in daytime during wet, warm and overcast weather. During the day they hide under stones, logs and in dark wall crevices.

Limax maximus_7869

Leopard Slugs don’t tend damage living plants, but instead eat other slugs, including species that can damage garden plants and vegetables. They also eat dead and rotting plants along with fungi and this recycles nutrients and fertilizes the soil.

Limax maximus_7946

All slugs are slimy, but this species is especially so, giving it a highly unappealing and defense against predators.

Third Eye Herp