Four-toed Salamander

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This small, slender salamander is orange to grayish brown above, sometimes with small black and bluish speckles on the sides. This is Ohio’s smallest salamander – and the first one I’ve ever found. Adults are 2 to 3 inches long; their tails make up over half their length.

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Though it ranges throughout much of the state, it only occurs where boggy ponds or spring-fed creeks are available in or near damp wooded habitats. As its name implies, this amphibian has only four digits on its front and hind feet.

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Four-toed Salamanders can voluntarily detach their tails, which continue to wiggle to distracting predators. This autonomization of their tails in unique. The tails of most salamanders must be grasped to come off.

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It was cool to finally meet this uncommon and secretive creature in the wild.

Third Eye Herp

Crown-Tipped Coral Mushrooms

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These tend to grow on wood that has been dead for a very long time. They will grow on both hardwood and coniferous logs. This coral fungus or coral mushroom is appropriately named because it looks like coral from the ocean floor. It is rather small, as it Latin species name, pyxidata, hints at.

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Crown-Tipped Coral Mushrooms are actually one of the duller-colored coral fungi. There are some very striking, brightly-colored coral fungi, especially west of the Great Plains.

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Like so many fungi, this species exists as a network of cells that obtains nourishment by digesting the rotting wood that it lives within. Most of the mushroom hidden. When ready to reproduce, the branching “fruiting body” develops outside the wood, which is a reproductive structure.

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Crown-Tipped Coral Mushrooms, like other fungi, perform an important feat of breaking down once-living matter to release carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and other matter back into the soil and atmosphere.

Third Eye Herp

Giant Leopard Moth

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Walking through Brecksville Reservation, just a few minutes from my home, I noticed this stunning creature resting on a log.

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This species has a wingspan of 3 inches. The wings of this moth are a high contrast bright white with a pattern of black spots, some solid and some hollow.

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This is the first adult I’ve ever seen, though I am familiar with their caterpillars, which have black bristles and orange colored bands between their segments.

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Although they are called “leopard moths” these insects belong to the family known as “tiger moths.”  There are thousands of species in this group, many with equally vivid markings.

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It was an awesome experience to come across this spectacular insect known from its amazing coloration and impressive size.

Third Eye Herp

Red-eared Slider

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As its common name implies, the Red-eared Slider’s most distinguishing characteristic is the bright, red-orange patch behind each eye. The “slider” part of their name comes from their ability to slide off rocks and logs and into the water quickly.

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In central Ohio, it is thought that we have a population separate from its typical native North American range in the Mississippi River system, but now, you can see them in many lakes and rivers across the state.

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This turtle lives in ponds, lakes, marshes, and in slow-moving rivers that have soft, muddy bottoms. Older makes sometimes lose most of their color and turn almost completely black. Here are a few I saw while visiting southern Illinois.

Red-eared Slider

Red-eared Sliders are common in the pet trade and now live all around the globe. They are now considered among the word’s 100 most invasive species because as pets they are a lot of work to maintain, so owners release them into the wild.

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Like many other aquatic turtles, the Red-eared Slider starts out life largely carnivorous, feeding on insects, tadpoles and other aquatic creatures. As it matures, it becomes largely herbivorous, feeding primarily on aquatic plants.

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Red-eared Sliders can reach lengths of up to 12 inches, although 7 to 9 inches is more common; the females are typically a bit larger than the males. Males, kike this one, use their long fore-claws to tickle female’s head during courtship.

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These reptiles may produce 3 to 4 clutches of eggs in a single year. Females will dig a nest three to ten inches wide and about four inches deep. The eggs are deposited in the excavation and carefully covered with soil.


The young turtles hatch 60 to 75 days later. As is the case with many other turtles, the hatchlings’ gender depends on the temperature within the nest; if the temperature in the nest is relatively warm, mostly males will be hatched; if it is relatively cool, mostly females will hatch.

Third Eye Herp

Scarlet Tanager


Male Scarlet Tanagers are among the most beautiful birds in the eastern U.S. forest in Summer, with blood-red bodies set off by jet-black wings and tail. They’re also one of the most frustratingly hard to find, as they stay high in the forest canopy singing their rich songs.

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The yellowish-green, dark-winged females can be even harder to spot until you key in on this bird’s call note. In Fall, males trade red feathers for yellow-green and the birds take off for South America.

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Insects are the primary food of the Scarlet Tanager. Most often the Scarlet Tanager moves slowly through tree tops searching for beetles and caterpillars; however they do feed on other insects as well – like bees, wasps and butterflies.

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Breeding Scarlet Tanagers prefer large, mature forest tracts with large trees. They can easily be overlooked because of their unobtrusive behavior and preference for residing in the forest canopy. I’ve only seen a this bird once before and it was several years ago in West Virginia. I was pretty stoked to come across a pair of them this year in Brecksville Reservation.

Third Eye Herp



Spiderworts are very distinctive Summer prairie wildflowers. Growing knee-high, their (usually) blue flowers stand out among the green of the new grass.


If you break the tip off a spiderwort leaf and wait for a drop of sap to appear, then touch it with your fingertip, you can stretch the thread of sap.

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This resemblance to a spider’s silk may explain where its name came from. The gooey quality of the sap definitely explains its familiar nickname of “cow slobber.”


The stems, leaves and flowers of Spiderworts are edible. Spiderworts also are one of the native wildflowers that have made their way into the nursery trade. They may also be easily propagated from stem cuttings or seeds.


This plant’s genus, Tradescantia, is named for John Tradescant, who was gardener for King Charles I of England. He grew them from seeds brought back from America; Spiderwort is still popular in English gardens today.

Third Eye Herp

Stonecat Madtom

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The Stonecat Madtom is the largest species in the group of catfishes known as madtoms. They are the most common of six species of madtoms found in Ohio.

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They are primarily a species found in medium to large rivers in areas with moderately fast current and large boulders and slabs. The Stonecat received its name because of its tendency to hide beneath flat rocks.


They spend the day hidden and come out at night to feed. At night, stonecats emerge to feed on the many aquatic insects and crayfishes that also occupy these habitats.

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Their flattened body allows them to wriggle beneath large, flat rocks to hide or to seek out food. Stonecats, like the other members of the catfish family, have barbels (whiskers) that are used to help them locate food.

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Stonecat Madtoms serve as indicators of water quality. They are not present in highly polluted areas or areas with a large amount of siltation. Therefore they are a very valuable “indicator” species to humans.

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For some unknown reason, these fish are also good indicators of Smallmouth Bass populations. It seems if there is a good population of Stonecat Madtoms in the area, there will also be a good number of Smallmouth Bass, which was definitely the case on this outing.

Third Eye Herp

Bold Jumper

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Jumping spiders are one the most charismatic arachnids around and during the warmer months I often seen them on my house and on the deck. They tend to be inquisitive and seemingly without fear. When photographing this one, it would typically turn to follow my movements.

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While most of their coloration is black and white, Bold Jumpers also have beautiful emerald green fang bases. They also have a face which looks like a monkey’s.

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Rather than building webs, these spiders hunt prey visually (their large, forward-facing eyes, give them very good stereoscopic vision), stalking their insect victims. Watching one hunt down its food is not unlike watching a cat zero in on its prey. They can move quite quickly and are capable of amazing leaps. Bold Jumpers have been known to jump from 10 to 50 times their body length.

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Although these active hunters not build webs to catch food, they do use webbing to wrap their eggs in or to construct a hideout. They also use their spider silk as a “lifeline” when jumping after prey. If a Bold Jumper comes up short of its target, the line catches the spider and it quickly retreats back to its original hunting spot.

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Jumping spiders tend to be small, usually 1/2-3/4 of an inch. Male Bold Jumpers have “eyebrows,” or tufts of hairs over their eyes. This species has some of the best vision of all spiders. They have eight eyes. Four big eyes are located on the spider’s face. The other four are on top of the head. This fine arachnid is also known as the Daring Jumping Spider.

Third Eye Herp

Rosebay Rhododendron

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This “woody plant” is an evergreen, with a short, crooked trunk and branches.  It grows in woods, often in dense shade, so when in bloom its flowers really stand out.

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The rhododendron’s always-green, thick, leathery leaves set it apart from any other plant native to Ohio.

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In late June and into early July, the flower buds open to reveal giant clusters of white blossoms edged with pink.

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Though common in the Great Smoky Mountains and the state flower of West Virginia, in Ohio it is rather rare and occurs in localized, scattered populations growing naturally in the wilderness.

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The popularity of rhododendrons for use in landscaping has made them and easy to attain at nurseries. This 8-12 foot shrub and its relatives grace the yards of many who appreciate its many attributes.

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And they also contribute their elegance to Brecksville Reservation, where I saw and photographed these examples of this fine plant.

Third Eye Herp

Green Heron

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The Green Heron is stocky, dark colored and small for a heron. This crow-sized bird is solitary and secretive.


It inhabits small, freshwater wetlands, ponds, and stream-sides with thick vegetation along the edges. I have seen a far number of them on the Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath.

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The Green Heron is one of the few birds known to use tools. It will attract prey with “bait” (feathers, small sticks, live insects or berries) that it drops into the water. This hunting technique has earned them the distinction of being placed among the world’s smartest birds. This one is using a blade of grass.

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I once saw one of these birds seemly cooperating with a Common Snapping Turtle, herding fish into an area where they could be easily caught.


This bird tends to forage from a perch, where it stands with its body lowered and stretched out horizontally, ready to thrust its bill at unsuspecting prey. Fish are its main source of food, though it is opportunistic feeder, also eating frogs, crayfish and large insects.

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The Green Heron lays three to six eggs in a nest made of sticks. Both the female and male make the nest. The male gathers the materials and the female constructs the nest.


A group of herons has many collective nouns, including a “battery,” “hedge,” “pose,” “rookery” and “scattering” of herons.

Third Eye Herp