Greater Scaup

01 Greater Scaup_0781

While visiting Akron, (OH) I saw a few examples of this duck that is also known as a “Bluebill.” Males have a black breast, medium gray back, white sides, and yellow eyes. Their head appears black with a greenish sheen in good lighting. Females are brown overall, with white patch at base of bill and yellow eyes.

02 Greater Scaup_0816

The only circumpolar (situated around or inhabiting one of the earth’s poles) diving duck, the Greater Scaup breeds on the tundra and in the Boreal Forest zones from Iceland across northern Scandinavia, northern Russia, northern Siberia and the western North American Arctic. It is estimated that three-quarters of the North American population breeds in Alaska. These examples were just passing through on their migration route.

03 Greater Scaup_0817

The Greater Scaup dives to feed on aquatic plants and animals. In coastal areas, mollusks constitute their principle food. In freshwater habitats, seeds, leaves, stems, roots and tubers of aquatic plants like sedges, pondweeds, Muskgrass, and Wild Celery are important dietary items.

04 Greater Scaup_0809

Like other ducks, they can dive completely underwater. Compared to dabbling ducks, their wings are smaller relative to their body weight. To take flight, they flap their wings and run along the surface of the water, patting their feet on the surface, gaining speed and lift until they are airborne.

05 Greater Scaup_0818

The word scaup (pronounced “skopp”) may be related to the word scalp, akin to terms in northern European languages that mean “shell” or “shellfish bed”: In some regions, this bird feeds on clams, oysters, and mussels.

Third Eye Herp

Cucumber Magnolia

01 Cucumber Magnolia_0401

It hard to miss this fine tree that produces 2 to 4 inch slightly-fragrant, greenish-yellow, tulip-like flowers at the twig tips in late Spring. Handsome at close range, they are borne so high on the tree that they are sometimes missed.

02 Cucumber Magnolia_1123

Cucumber Magnolia a large forest tree of the Eastern United States and Southern Ontario in Canada that tends to occur singly as scattered specimens, rather than in groves.

03 Cucumber Magnolia_1901

Its flower buds and flowers are edible and may have provided a minor food source to First Nations and white settlers.

04 Cucumber Magnolia_1899

This tree’s bark is smooth and pale gray on a young tree, becoming brown, deeply furrowed, and ridged on mature trees. One of the fastest-growing Magnolias, Cucumber Magnolia is pyramidal when young but becomes broad, oval or rounded with age, ultimately it can reach 60 to 80 feet in height with a spread of 35 to 60 feet.

05 Cucumber Magnolia_1899

Cucumber Magnolia is named for the green, warty, cucumber-shaped fruits that follow the flowers, which turn from green to red and then open to reveal small red seeds in late Summer. This fruit becomes forage for Towhees, other ground-feeding birds and small mammals.

06 Cucumber Magnolia_0403

Its foliage of huge, ovate, deep green leaves, up to 10 inches long, has nice yellow-gold Fall color.

07 Cucumber Magnolia_0402

These trees cast dense shade, and are beautifully symmetrical making them a park, residential and golf course tree of preference.

Third Eye Herp

Tall Flea Beetle

01 Tall Flea Beetle_0098

While hiking in northwest Ohio along a marshy area, I came across a few of these neat looking insects. Tall Flea Beetles are found east of the Rockies and into Central America, wherever their food plants grow.

02 Tall Flea Beetle_8852

Flea Beetles are named because they supposedly jump around (like fleas) when they’re disturbed. I didn’t see any jumping though. To accomplish their jumping, they are aided by disproportionately large hind legs. They are also capable of flying.

03 Tall Flea Beetle_8849

Because some of their food plants grow on the edges of wetlands, Tall Flea Beetles are listed as semi-aquatic beetles by a few sources. I’m not sure how the “Tall” fits into their common name, but this is an attractively colored and marked insect.

04 Tall Flea Beetle_8846

Flea Beetles are members of the Leaf Beetle Family. This species feeds on plants in the genus Polygonum – knotweed, smartweed and bindweed – which are invasive species in the United States. Other species eat agricultural crops.

05 Tall Flea Beetle_8851

Flea Beetles live through the winter as adults in leaf litter, hedgerows, windbreaks and wooded areas. Adults become active in early spring. Most Flea Beetles are very small (1/16 –1/8 inch long). An exception is the Spinach Flea Beetle, which is 1/4-inch long.

Third Eye Herp


01 Bluet_6439

While hiking in the woods near Youngstown, Ohio I noticed a bit of color on the forest floor.

02 Bluet_6437

Large drifts of Bluets can be visible from afar. Nonetheless, this is a plant that warrants dropping to the ground to better appreciate the nuances of its tiny flowers.

03 Bluet_6443

With the Latin Name of Houstonia caerulea, the genus name commemorates Scottish botanist William Houstoun (1695-1733), who spent time in the American tropics exploring and collecting plants.

04 Bluet_6442

This small, delicate perennial is often found growing in compact tufts, about 8 inches high. The plants may cover broad expanses. Its tiny flowers are pale blue with yellow centers.

05 Bluet_6444

There are two flower types: “pins,” with long style and short stamens, and “thrums” with short style and long stamens. Such flowers are called distylous.

06 Bluet_6438

Bluets are native to eastern Canada (from Ontario to Newfoundland) and the eastern United States (from Maine to Wisconsin, south to Florida and Louisiana, with scattered populations in Oklahoma).

07 Bluet_6441

This plant is found in a variety of habitats such as cliffs, alpine zones, forests, meadows and shores of rivers or lakes.

Third Eye Herp

Beach Morning Glory

01 Beach Morning Glory_1007

While walking along the California shoreline last month, it was hard not to notice this plant. This species of bindweed is a perennial vine which grows in beach habitats on the west coast and in selected areas on the east coast of North America, and across Europe into Asia.

02 Beach Morning Glory_1400

The plant bears fleshy stems, kidney-shaped leaves, and attractive flowers with corollas that are delicate pink to vivid lavender. Its showy flowers are insect-pollinated and attract bees, butterflies, moths, flies, beetles, wasps and ants.

03 Beach Morning Glory__1003

Beach Morning Glory is also called Railroad Vine due to its scrambling nature and ability to cover less-used tracks and roadsides. It is adapted to coastal areas where sand is plentiful and the soil is well-draining. Salt, heat, and wind don’t bother this plant and it is common to see it splayed across sand dunes.

04 Beach Morning Glory_ Morning Glory_1402

Its leaves are succulent and rounded, with a notched tip resembling a cloven hoof, hence its species name, pes-caprae, which means “goat’s foot” in Latin. The roots of this plant often go for more than 3 feet into the sand.

05 Beach Morning Glory_1403

Like other members of its family, its flowers are ephemeral; they bloom in the morning and begin to wilt and close up by afternoon, hence the common name “Morning Glory.” Beach Morning Glory typically blooms in Summer and Fall, but may bloom year-round.

06 Beach Morning Glory__1004

Life is tough for a plant on the beach side of a sand dune. The wind is always blowing, battering stems and leaves with salt spray or burying them under layers of sand. There’s plenty of sun for photosynthesis, but no shade when rays get too intense. But Beach Morning Glory finds a way to thrive in this hostile environment.

Third Eye Herp

Western Gull

01 Western Gull_1250

While visiting California, I saw several examples of this conspicuous bird in different counties. The Western Gull is the only gull nesting along most of the Pacific Coast from Washington to Baja.

02 Western Gull_1278

This is a large (24 to 27 inches), stocky bird with a stout bill. Adults have rather dark gray upperparts and bright pink legs. Both sexes have the same type of plumage, but the male is larger than the female.

03 Western Gull_1277

Western Gulls are found mostly near the coast and also found regularly offshore. They are not typically found far inland. Many types of habitats are used, including estuaries, beaches, fields, garbage dumps, and city waterfronts.

04 Western Gull_1276

Like most gulls, the Western Gull is an opportunistic feeder, capturing its own prey, scavenging trash, or stealing food from seals and other gulls. Sometimes they even steal milk from mother seals while they’re asleep.

05 Western Gull_1271

These birds nest in colonies on islands, offshore rocks, and abandoned piers. Their colonies are often located near nesting seabirds or Sea Lions. Western Gulls build their nests on the ground, and the pair often starts as many as three nests, and then chooses one to finish and use.

06 Western Gull_1272

Like many other gull species, they drop hard-shelled items from the air to break them on hard surfaces. They are also often seen following fishing boats and feeding on scraps thrown overboard by fish cleaners. The intelligence and resourcefulness of Western Gulls is rather impressive.

Third Eye Herp

Ornate Tiger Moth

01 Ornate Tiger Moth_1233

While exploring California, I encountered this insect that is commonly found in late Spring and early Summer. It is a medium-sized (about 1 inch) moth. Its forewings appear black, typically with a net-like pattern of extensive yellowish or rosy off-white transverse lines and thinner pale veins.

02 Ornate Tiger Moth_5248

The Ornate Tiger Moth’s habitats include coastal grasslands adjacent to the ocean, coastal rainforests, low elevation grasslands west of the Cascades, oak woodlands, mixed hardwood-conifer forests in the mountains, and Ponderosa Pine forests at middle elevations.

03 Ornate Tiger Moth_5245

Its caterpillar looks like a typical “wooly worm” and like other types of Tiger Moth larva, it is a feeding generalist that consumes a wide variety of vegetation. The bright warning coloration displayed by Tiger Moths is associated with distastefulness, thus protecting it from predation.

04 Ornate Tiger Moth

The antennae of the Ornate Tiger Moths have an interesting toothed pattern. They normally perch with their wings held roof-like over their bodies. These insects are nocturnal as adults and may be attracted to lights at night. There are about 11,000 species of Tiger Moths in the world, residing in Canada, the United States, Europe, and Asia.

06 Ornate Tiger Moth_5247

Although moths are stereotypically drab, most Tiger Moths are quite colorful and attractive and this one is no exception. A British airplane serving in the Royal Air Force in the 1930s took its name from this species.

Third Eye Herp

Monterey Pine

01 Monterey Pine_1237

While looking for reptiles and amphibians in the Golden State, I came across a small stand of these fine trees. This stately pine starts as an upright tree with a pyramidal shape; with age, it will develop a broad rounded crown that flattens at the top. When growing on a windy site with ocean influence, it develops a picturesque spreading growth habit that is asymmetrical and often with multiple trunks.

02 Monterey Pine_1240

Under ideal conditions, it can grow to a height of over 100 feet with a branch spread of over 60 feet and a trunk diameter of over 4 feet. Again, under ideal conditions – and if it escapes a lethal attack from insects and diseases – it can live up to 150 years; however, its normal life span here is relatively short for a conifer, only 80 to 100 years.

03 Monterey Pine_1243

Its needles are one of its most distinguishing features. The needles (3- to 6-inches long) occur at the ends of branches in dense clusters of 3 needles per cluster. These clusters persist on the tree for up to 3 years, before turning brown and dropping off. The needles also have a distinctive fresh fragrance when brushed or crushed.

04 Monterey Pine_1246

This pine is adapted to cope with stand-killing fire disturbances. Its cones are serotinous, that is, they remain closed until opened by the heat of a forest fire; the abundant seeds are then discharged to regenerate on the burned forest floor. The cones may also burst open in hot weather.

05 Monterey Pine_1242

The bark is thick and rather rough, with deep vertical fissures. It is a light gray brown when young; as it ages, it turns dark gray to black, with reddish brown within the fissures.

06 Monterey Pine_1239

Although Monterey Pine is extensively cultivated around the world for lumber, the version of the tree used in the lumber industry is vastly different from the native tree. In its natural state, Monterey Pine is a rare and endangered tree; it is twisted, knotty and full of sap/resin and not suitable for lumber.

Third Eye Herp


01 Whimbrel_1176

While walking along the California Coast, I spotted this large shorebird with a long body, long neck and small head. It had a distinctive long, downward curved bill and a striped head. It is found in mudflats, beaches, and coastal marshes.

02 Whimbrel_1150

Whimbrels probe with their long bills into mudflats or wet sand for invertebrates such as crabs; they walk slowly through areas where water is very shallow. Flocks moving in migration, or between roosting and feeding areas and vocalize often.

03 Whimbrel_1174

Some migrating Whimbrels make a nonstop overwater flight of 2,500 miles from southern Canada or New England to South America. One bird in particular, named Hope, was captured on the coast of Virginia in 2009 and fitted with a satellite transmitter. Over the next three years, researchers tracked for her more than 50,000 miles traveling back and forth between her breeding areas for five seasons.

04 Whimbrel_1157

In many regions, the primary winter food of the Whimbrel is Fiddler Crab. The curve of the Whimbrel’s bill nicely matches the shape of Fiddler Crab burrows. The bird reaches into the crab’s burrow, extracts the crab, washes it (if it is muddy), and sometimes breaks off the claws and legs before swallowing it.

05 Whimbrel_1173

Whimbrels tend to concentrate in flocks at a few favored spots in migration, so that the observer sees either many of them or very small numbers. Belonging to the genus Numenius, the given scientific name for this bird means “new moon” in Greek, a reference to the bird’s bill shape, which resembles a crescent moon.

06 Whimbrel_1156

Seeing this elegant, intricately patterned shorebird added another example to my list of cool creatures that I encountered while visiting the Golden State.

Third Eye Herp


01 Earwig_8606

I came across one of these interesting insects while hiking in Santa Cruz, California. I occasionally find them in my home state of Ohio as well. In fact, lately they seem to be hanging out in the storage section built into the seats of our plastic deck chairs.

02 Earwig_085

Earwigs have characteristic cerci, a pair of forcep-like pincers on their abdomen, and membranous wings folded underneath short, rarely used forewings, hence the scientific order name, Dermaptrea, which translates to “skin wings.”

03 Earwig_3726

Adults can use the cerci in defense, twisting the abdomen forward over the head or sideways to engage an enemy, often another Earwig. The pronounced cerci are the most distinctive feature of Earwigs; in the male the cerci are strongly curved whereas in the female they curve only slightly.

04 Earwig_087

These insects are small (about 1/2 an inch long) and mostly nocturnal. They often hide in small, moist crevices during the day, and are active at night, feeding on a wide variety of insects and plants. They tend to be more common in the southern and southwestern parts of the United States.

05 Earwig__3727

Earwigs can also be found throughout the Americas and Eurasia. The Common Earwig was introduced into North America in 1907 from Europe; it was first observed in North America at Seattle, Washington in 1907. It spread quickly, and was reported in Oregon in 1909, British Columbia in 1919, and California in 1923. It reached Rhode Island in 1911, New York in 1912, and most other provinces and northern states in the 1930s and 1940s.

06 Earwig_9284

Earwigs are among the few non-social insect species that show maternal care. The mother pays close attention to the needs of her eggs, giving them warmth and protection. She dutifully defends the eggs from predators, not leaving them even to eat, unless the clutch goes bad. She also continuously cleans the eggs to protect them from fungi.

08 Earwig 091

Earwigs are mistakenly thought to enter the ears of sleeping persons and burrow into their brains. This is an urban myth that has no basis in fact. In reality, these menacing-looking insects are totally harmless.

Third Eye Herp