Bee Balm

When I first saw Bee Balm I knew that it was something that I wanted growing in my yard, due to the crazy-looking flower this plant has. I was a bit surprised to find out that Bee Balm is native to Ohio, though the wild version does not have the vibrant colors that the cultivated varieties feature. Here a few that I saw while walking the Canal Towpath.

The flowers are well known to attract hummingbirds and insects, such as bees, butterflies and beetles. This plant is a member of the mint family and one characteristic of mints is a square stem. It’s kind of weird to feel a plant stem with “corners,” but Bee Balm has them.

It’s fragrant leaves are often used to make potpourri. Bee Balm has been used in folk medicine as a “mint tea” to treat respiratory and digestive ailments. The oil from this plant is an essential flavoring ingredient in Earl Grey tea.

Third Eye Herp