Like so many parts of the United States, Northeast Ohio has had very warm Summer temperatures and little rain for quite some time. There’s been a change in past three days; there’s been a fair amount of rain and somewhat cooler weather. I decided to take a hike on the Erie Canal Towpath and see what was up.
I noticed this Black Rat Snake’s shed skin up in a tree. It’s the second shed that I’ve found in this spot. I have yet to see this serpent. Black Rat Snakes are my favorite snakes.
Then I saw this female Bullfrog too – there were lots of frogs out.
Here’s a Sulphur Butterfly on a Cup Plant. Why is it called a Cup Plant?
Answer: Because its leaves hold water!
There were many Painted Turtles out.
How can a baby Muskrat be both cute AND be a rodent at the same time?
Little Turtle/Big Turtle.
Young Wood Ducks that hatched earlier this year hanging out with their mother (in front).
This Painted Turtle isn’t going to catch many rays while covered in Duckweed.
A Green Heron that kept staring intently at the water, waiting for a small fish to swim by.
I like turtles and there were more turtles than you can shake a stick at!
It was a good day for hiking the towpath.