Smoothhead Sculpin

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We found this cool creature while tidepooling in California. One thing that is noticeable about these particular sculpins is their massive heads, especially when compared to their tidepool peers.

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This is a common small fish in pools in the intertidal zone of rocky coasts, flitting from one hiding place to another. It shows great homing ability, returning each time the tide recedes to the pool in which it has taken up residence.

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The Smoothhead Sculpin is a predator, feeding on small invertebrates such as isopods, amphipods, gastropod mollusks, worms and barnacles – as well as insects that happen to fall into the water.

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When the seas are rough, it moves closer the shore. It can leave the water and breathe air, exchanging both oxygen and carbon dioxide, while hiding in a damp spot. This was an awesome Golden State find.

Third Eye Herp