Speckled Wolf Spider

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While exploring a glades habitat in the “Show Me State,” I came across this awesome creature.

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The Speckled Wolf Spider is one of Missouri’s more common species of Wolf Spiders. Key identifiers for it include large size, overall darkish color, banded legs and a narrow pale yellowish line running between the eyes.

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Like other members of their family, these are athletic spiders don’t spin webs to catch their insect prey; instead, Wolf Spiders run down their prey like a wolf.

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Female Wolf Spiders have remarkable maternal instincts and are often seen carrying around their egg cases. After the young spiders hatch, they ride around on their mother’s back until they are able to be independent.

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Wolf Spiders live in a wide range of habitats, basically anywhere where there are insects to eat. They seem to be most common in open habitats like grasslands, and are often found in farm fields and meadows.

Third Eye Herp