Snapping Turtles Under Ice

01 Common Snapping Turtle_2819

On occasion, while hiking on the Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath in the Winter, I’ll see a Common Snapping Turtle under the ice. Aquatic turtles and frogs often spend their hibernation months submerged under water.

02 Common Snapping Turtle_2499

The Common Snapping Turtle is the largest turtle in Ohio. Large specimens may weigh more than 35 pounds and have a carapace (top shell) more than 14 inches long.

03 Common Snapping Turtle_7687

When there are warm spells and the surface ice melts, turtles and amphibians can become active for a bit before the cold weather sets back in and they go back under water – sometimes for weeks.

04 Common Snapping Turtle_8079

If approached on land, these reptiles defend themselves with their quick and powerful jaws. If approached in the water, they use their large webbed feet to turn to the deep and propel themselves to safety. Though they are capable of movement when under ice, though they tend to exist in “slow motion.”

05 Common Snapping Turtle_8079

Many aquatic turtles have specialized bladders near the cloaca that can facilitate gas exchange; this is called cloacal or enteral respiration. Having access to actual air is therefore not always necessary, especially when the animals are inactive.

06 Common Snapping Turtle_7688

This process that involves gas exchange uses a liquid to deliver oxygen to the body through the rectum. The liquid, called a perfluorocarbon, is loaded with more oxygen than water and is absorbed by the lower intestine. This method has been shown to help rodents and pigs survive low-oxygen conditions.

07 Common Snapping Turtle_2778

Nature has evolved some fascinating survival strategies and to see herps under ice waiting out the Winter cold is always a neat experience.

Third Eye Herp

Southern Painted Turtle

1 Southern Painted Turtle_1576

While visiting Mingo National Wildlife Refuge in southeast Missouri last month, I observed several of these fine reptiles basking. This species was officially recognized as a separate species from other Painted Turtles in 2014.

2 Southern Painted Turtle_1635

The Southern Painted Turtle is a small, colorful aquatic turtle with an olive brown to almost black shell, featuring a prominent yellow, orange, or red lengthwise stripe down its center. The adult upper shell length is 4–5 inches, occasionally reaching 6 inches.

3 Southern Painted Turtle_1626

This reptile is often found in the quiet water of shallow swamps, slow-moving streams, sloughs, oxbow lakes, and occasionally drainage ditches with aquatic vegetation and soft bottoms. Its preferred habitat is wetlands embedded within bottomland forest dominated by Water Tupelo, Bald Cypress, and Oak.

4 Southern Painted Turtle_1623

The Southern Painted Turtle’s diet consists mainly of aquatic insects, snails, crayfish, and plant material, with duckweed and algae also readily consumed. Younger individuals consume more animal matter in their compared to adults.

5 Southern Painted Turtle_1642

Their range is the midwestern and southeastern parts of the United States, stretching from Texas to Florida and up to southern Illinois. Finding these completed my quest to find all four types of Painted Turtles (Eastern, Midland, Western and Southern) in the wild.

Third Eye Herp

False Map Turtle

01 False Map Turtle_1892

While out and about in southern Illinois, I saw a few examples of this turtle basking along waterways. It is a medium-sized species with a prominent keel along the center of the upper shell and thin yellow lines on the head, neck, and limbs. A yellow marking behind each eye extends upward and then backward, approximately forming a right angle or “L” shape. However, these yellow markings can vary among individuals.

02 False Map Turtle_1873

Large rivers and their backwaters are the preferred aquatic habitat for Northern False Map Turtles. The species also occurs in river sloughs, oxbow lakes, lakes, and reservoirs. On the Mississippi River, False Map Turtles particularly prefer the main channel of the river, especially around wing dikes. A muddy bottom, some aquatic vegetation, and numerous basking sites are important habitat requirements.

03 False Map Turtle_7133

Map Turtles of all species are avid baskers, spending many hours during the day in the sun. When with other turtles, they also are very communal, sharing space and using each other for predator-watching, increasing the odds of surviving an attack. In this photo, one was basking on top of a Red-eared Slider.

04 False Map Turtle_5530

False Map Turtles will overwinter at the bottom of lakes and sloughs, in muskrat dens, or under rocks and logs. Mating occurs in the water during the Spring. Females dig nests in open, sandy areas and deposit between 8-22 eggs per clutch during the summer; females can lay 2-3 clutches. The young emerge after 69-75 days.

05 False Map Turtle_1884

Females are twice the size of males with ranges of 5 to 10 inches and 3 to 5 inches, respectively.

06 False Map Turtle_5529

Map Turtles get their name due to the patterning on their shells, especially in young individuals, where the concentric yellow lines look like a topographic map. This reptile is also know as a “Sawback Turtle,” due to the projections on its upper shell.

Third Eye Herp

Red-bellied Cooter

01 Red-bellied Turtle_1607

This is an aquatic turtle with a dark, highly domed shell and a distinctive red belly. It can be found basking along the edges of ponds, streams and rivers throughout the Potomac River and in coastal portions of Maryland and Virginia.

02 Red-bellied Turtle_3664

They are not native to Ohio, but I frequently see them in Cuyahoga Valley National Park. These examples are probably released pets.

03 Red-bellied Turtle_1230

Red-bellied Cooters are also called Redbelly Turtles. They get their name from their reddish plastron (the underside of their shell).

04 Red-bellied Turtle_6735 09-25

This reptile is usually found in areas with deep, fast-moving water, with a muddy bottom and lots of aquatic vegetation. Red-bellied Cooters will sun themselves on rocks and logs to control body temperature, but will disappear into the water when alarmed. In Winter, this turtle hibernates in the mud at the bottom of rivers.

05 Red-bellied Turtle_1111

Males can have a shell length of 10 to 12 inches long; while females have shell lengths of 11 to 13-1/2 inches. They can weigh up to 12-1/2 pounds. Red-bellied Cooters are estimated to live more than 50 years. Females reach maturity at 13 to 20 years, while males reach maturity at a younger age.

06 redbelly turtle_1225

Females begin nesting activity from late May to early June. They typically nest within 300 feet of the water’s edge. Their nest holes are dug at about four inches deep. This species typically lays 10 to 20 eggs that hatch in 70 to 80 days.

07 Redbelly Turtle_9586

Like some other species of turtles, Red-bellied Cooters have temperature-dependent sex determination. Nests with warmer temperatures produce females, while cooler nests produce males.

08 Redbelly Turtle_2096

The diet for this species is herbaceous (they consume only vegetative matter), consisting of submergent aquatic macrophytes, such as hydrilla, brushy pondweed, eel-grass, arrowhead, and mud plantain.

Turtle ID_9583

Although it does not belong in my home state of Ohio, it’s always a neat experience to come across one of these impressive reptiles while out hiking.

Third Eye Herp

Peninsula Cooter

01 Peninsula Cooter_5137

While kayaking in California I caught this very cool (but non-native) reptile that in its natural range is found throughout the Florida peninsula.

02 Peninsula Cooter_6129

Peninsula Cooters live primarily in habitats such as floodplain swamps, basin marshes and occasionally tidal marshes. Areas with slow moving or stagnant waterways with abundant basking sites, submerged vegetation and sandy bottoms are preferred.

03 Peninsula Cooter_6131

Growing to a shell length of almost 16 inches, this is a reptile of impressive size. It is mainly a herbivorous species, with adults feeding solely on plants and filamentous algae, but with some juveniles eating insects and small fish.

04 Peninsula Cooter_6150

Peninsula Cooters are often seen basking on logs or sun-warmed rocks. They may be found in the company of other aquatic basking turtles, like Painted Turtles and Sliders. They can move with surprising speed in the water and on land.

05 Peninsula Cooter_6130

These turtles hibernate in the water. They don’t breathe during this time of low metabolism, but can utilize oxygen from the water, which they take in through their cloaca.

Third Eye Herp

Three-toed Box Turtle

01 Three-toed Box Turtle_7397

While visiting a nature center in Missouri last month and walking the trails, I came upon a reptile that I have never encountered in the wild before.

02 Three-toed Box Turtle_7370

Three-toed Box Turtles are named due to the number of toes on the back feet, though there can be four-toed examples too. Their carapace (upper shell) is high-domed and tends to be olive or brown with faint yellow or orange lines. It’s small size (usually less than five inches), color and pattern allow it to blend in well with the forest floor.

03 Three-toed Box Turtle_7379

Generally a forest species, it also can be found on forest edges and in brushy fields. Young Three-toed Box Turtles consume mostly earthworms and insects, while adults tend to be more vegetarian, eating a variety of plants, berries and mushrooms.

04 Three-toed Box Turtle_7383

To protect themselves from predators, turtles are able to pull their heads, legs, and tails into their shells. Box Turtles have the additional ability to clamp their shells completely shut, due to a hinge in the plastron (lower shell). Very few predators can successfully prey on an adult Box Turtle.

05 Three-toed Box Turtle_4643

Because of this adaptation, once a Box Turtle reaches adulthood, its average life span is 50 years, while a significant portion live to over 100 years in age.

06 Three-toed Box Turtle_7386

This reptile is native to the south-central part of the United States and is the official reptile of the state of Missouri.

Third Eye Herp

Western Painted Turtle

01 Western Painted Turtle_7880

This reptile is not native to Ohio, but I do see it occasionally in Cuyahoga Valley National Park and Summit County Metroparks. These turtles are probably released pets. I have also found it on my visits to California, where it is also not native.

02 Western Painted Turtle_5162

This is the largest of the four subspecies of Painted Turtles and attains a carapace length of up to 10 inches. Like others in its species, it is brightly marked.

03 Western Painted Turtle_1590

The Western Painted Turtle is native to the midwestern states of Oklahoma northward to the Dakotas and extends as far as Saskatchewan, Canada. It reaches the eastern portion of its range in upper Michigan and Ontario.

04 Western Painted Turtle_6049

These turtles feed mainly on plants and small animals, such as fish, crustaceans and aquatic insects. Turtles don’t have teeth, but instead have horny ridges that are serrated and sharp on their upper and lower jaws.

05 Western Painted Turtle_5170

The Western Painted Turtle is rather adaptable and is known to occur in prairie pothole wetlands as well as river floodplains and oxbows. It and its relatives, the Eastern, Midland and Southern Painted Turtles, are the most widespread turtles in North America.

Third Eye Herp

Eastern Painted Turtle

1 Eastern Painted Turtle_8919

While visiting the East Coast, I had my first-ever encounter with this turtle in the wild. Walking along a quiet waterway in Virginia revealed a few examples of this reptile catching the sun’s early rays.

2 Eastern Painted Turtle_5446

The first one that I came across was sharing a log with a tiny Coastal Plain Cooter. While they occur in in ponds, lakes, ditches, swamps, rivers, creeks and marshes, this turtle’s preferred habitat has a combination of aquatic vegetation, soft substrate and basking sites.

3 Eastern Painted Turtle_8673

The Eastern Painted Turtle, along with its relatives the Western Painted Turtle, the Midland Painted Turtle and Southern Painted Turtle, is the most widespread species of turtle in North America.

4 Eastern Painted Turtle_5455

Like their painted relatives, Easterns eat aquatic vegetation, algae and small water creatures including insects, tadpoles, mollusks, crustaceans and fish.

6 Eastern Painted Turtle_8953

Although they superficially look similar to the Midland Painted Turtle in my home state of Ohio, Eastern Painted Turtles are the only turtles in the United States with their scutes (large scales on the shell) arranged straight rows across their backs, rather than alternating.

Third Eye Herp

Northern Diamondback Terrapin

Diamondback Terrapin_8642

While visiting Maryland this Summer, I came across a reptile that I haven’t seen in quite some time. Its common name refers to the diamond pattern on top of its shell, though its overall pattern and coloration can vary greatly.

Diamondback Terrapin_2202

Females tend to be larger than males and have a shell length of 6 to 9 inches, while males are typically 4 to 5-1/2 inches. Their beak is typically light in color and is often white.

Diamondback Terrapin_8266

The Diamondback Terrapin is the only turtle that inhabits coastal marshes with brackish water (a mix of salt and fresh water) for its entire life.

Diamondback Terrapin_2203

This reptile mainly eats mollusks and crustaceans, including snails, fiddler crabs and mussels. They are usually most active during high tide, when the marshes they inhabit are often flooded.

Diamondback Terrapin_2204

Diamondback Terrapins were once used as a main food source, first by Native Americans and then by European settlers. From the mid-1800s to the early 1900s they were hunted so extensively that they almost faced extinction.

Diamondback Terrapin_2199

During the early 1930s, when terrapin numbers decreased, the popularity of this turtle as a food item faded. Its populations have since rebounded due to the lack of harvesting pressure. The Northern Diamondback Terrapin is Maryland’s State Reptile.

Third Eye Herp

Eastern River Cooter

Eastern River Cooter_7895

Walking along the Cache River in southern Illinois, I spotted this “lifer” reptile basking on a log. It was a lucky find, as it is endangered in Illinois. This one was a male, as evidenced by its long claws on its front feet. The Eastern River Cooter resides in sloughs and rivers, especially where aquatic plants are abundant. Though aquatic, like other water turtles, it will leave the water to bask on logs.

Eastern River Cooter_7770

They can grow to a shell length of around 12 inches. As part of their mating ritual, the male uses his long claws to flutter at the face of the much larger female. Like many other basking turtle species, they are very wary and quickly slide off their basking spot and into the water if approached. The term “cooter” may have come from the African word “kuta,” which means turtle.

02 river cooter_5461

Not long afterwards, while visiting Virginia, I saw this young example of an Eastern River Cooter. Aquatic plants seem to make up almost 95% of their diets. Like many other freshwater turtles, they have a sleek but protective shell. This allows them to withdraw when threatened, but still efficiently reduce water drag while swimming. It was neat to see this creature for the first time in the wild, both as an adult and a juvenile.

Third Eye Herp